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LibGuide for L90 AFAS 409 - "Gender, Sexuality, and Change in Africa"

Journal Article Databases

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Results: 248

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Title: Equitable Educational Opportunities in K-12 Schools: West African and U.S. Public Schools Compared.

Authors: Lawal, Adekunle1 (AUTHOR)

Source: Journal of Education. Jan2022, Vol. 202 Issue 1, p113-121. 9p.

Abstract: In an effort to promote public elementary and secondary education that meets world standards where all students have equal access to 21st-century public schools, some countries have adopted Education For All (EFA) policy. This article examines how three selected countries (the United States, Nigeria, and Gambia) are implementing the idea of giving all children the opportunity of equal access to public education. The article explores the historical trend of the concept and several education policies enacted in each country to make the program productive. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Title: A critical analysis of the national curriculum for nomadic primary schools in Nigeria.

Authors: Ohanu, Ifeanyi Benedict; Salawu, Issa Ajibade; Ede, Emmanuel Okafor1

Source: International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Jun2021, Vol. 67 Issue 3, p363-383. 21p.

Abstract (English): Enrolment without attendance is a common problem among nomadic populations in Africa. This study examines the curricula, cultural diversity and learning environments of children enrolled in nomadic primary schools in Nigeria. The study sample comprised 200 (169 female, 31 male) teachers and 50 grade 5 and 6 students (23 female, 27 male) of 25 nomadic primary schools in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Motivated by the need to solve the persistent problem of low attendance and retention among the children of nomadic families, the authors initiated a survey. They developed a questionnaire to investigate the influence of curriculum, cultural diversity and the learning environment on the enrolment of nomadic children and complemented their survey with semi-structured interviews. They analysed their collected data using mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), which revealed that a relevant curriculum, a suitable learning environment and diverse learning practices have significant positive implications on enrolment of nomadic children in primary schools. At the end of this article, the authors provide a number of recommendations towards making school attendance more attractive for nomadic children, with the potential effect of providing them with a more satisfying learning experience. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Author Affiliations:

1Department of Industrial Technical Education, Faculty of Vocational and Technical Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

Title: Girls' schooling and women's literacy: schooling targets alone won't reach learning goals.

Authors: Pritchett, Lant1; Sandefur, Justin2

Source: International Journal of Educational Development. Oct2020, Vol. 78, 1p.

Abstract: • Using DHS survey data, the paper finds that reaching universal completion of grade six among girls will not achieve universal female literacy. • Across nearly 50 developing countries, calculations suggest 40% of women would be illiterate even if all women completed at least grade six. • Results vary considerably; in Nigeria universal completion increases women's literacy by only 5%, while in Ethiopia it raises it by 57%. • Achieving SDG targets requires both universal schooling and dramatic improvements in the learning profile in most developing countries. Using the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data on the ability of women at various levels of schooling attainment to read a simple sentence, we show that reaching universal completion of grade six among girls would not bring the world anywhere close to the goal of universal female literacy. These calculations are based on the empirical relationship between grades completed and ability to read, a descriptive 'learning profile.' The large literature on schooling and life outcomes suggests simple correlations are a reasonable guide to causal effects, and the typical concern is over -estimation of the true return to schooling – implying our calculations using a descriptive and not causal learning profile are a best-case scenario. This best case is often not at all good: the learning profile is so weak in Nigeria that even if all women had completed grade six, adult female illiteracy would only have fallen from 58 percent to 53 percent. In contrast, children in many other countries do learn to read in much higher numbers and enrolling out-of-school girls would dramatically reduce illiteracy. For instance, in Ethiopia the same calculations yield a reduction in illiteracy from 82 to 25 percent. But across nearly fifty developing countries with available data our calculations suggest 40 percent of women would be illiterate even if all women completed at least grade six. Achieving new Sustainable Development Goal targets of universal literacy and numeracy will require both achievement of universal schooling and dramatic improvements in the learning profile in most developing countries. [ABSTRACT

Author Affiliations:1Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, 120 Walton St, Oxford, United Kingdom; 2Center for Global Development, 2055 L St NW, Washington, DC 20036, United States




Title: Girls' Rights: Can the movement achieve lasting change?

Authors: Yee, Amy

Source: CQ Researcher. 4/17/2015, Vol. 25 Issue 15, p337-360. 24p. 12 Color Photographs.


A movement to protect and expand girls' rights around the world is gaining support from governments, international donors and advocacy groups. Improving girls' lives is not only a moral issue -- research shows it also speeds economic development. Activists are pushing to end child marriage, educate all girls, improve their reproductive health and reduce violence and discrimination against them. Although girls' mortality and school enrollment rates have been improving, obstacles remain. Nearly 120 million girls do not attend primary school, and 15 million girls under 18 marry each year, often under duress, ending their schooling and putting them at risk for domestic violence and health complications. In some countries girls' progress is threatened by religious extremists, such as the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and Boko Haram in Nigeria. Activists say that to have lasting effects, girls' rights campaigns must establish effective on-the-ground programs that change societal attitudes as well as local policies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Title: Determinants of schooling for boys and girls in Nigeria under a policy of free primary education

Authors: Lincove, Jane Arnold1

Source: Economics of Education Review. Aug2009, Vol. 28 Issue 4, p474-484. 11p.

Abstract: This paper adds a measure of school costs to the model of determinants of schooling. Costs are estimated with controls for selection into school and the possibility of receiving free primary education (FPE). Controlling for costs, household wealth has a large, positive effect on primary school attendance with greater income elasticity for girls than boys. Girls’ attendance also depends on opportunity costs generated by providing child care for younger siblings and living on a family farm. Policies that increase household resources and reduce opportunity costs are recommended to complement free primary education. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]

Author Affiliations: 1LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, 2315 Red River, Mailcode


Title: Gender discrimination and education in West Africa: strategies for maintaining girls in school.

Authors: Tuwor, Theresa1; Sossou, Marie-Antoinette2

Source: International Journal of Inclusive Education. Jul2008, Vol. 12 Issue 4, p363-379. 17p.

Abstract: Girls' enrolment in primary schools has achieved significant increase and parity with male enrolment in many countries in Africa since the 1960s. Some of these countries include Botswana, Namibia and Tanzania. However, in most Sub-Saharan African countries, female enrolment still lags behind male enrolment. This paper examines some of the reasons for the persistent gender gap between females and males in the three African countries of Ghana, Nigeria and Togo within the West Africa sub-region. It discusses gender relations, cultural practices such as early marriage, child slavery, and child fostering/trafficking, poverty and multiple household duties for girls as some of the contributing factors. It is argued that unless these cultural beliefs and attitudes are changed and mandatory measures such as holding parents accountable and responsible are put in place, gender parity and quality education for all, especially for females, will not be achieved in Africa. A number of additional strategies for improvement in school attendance and retention for females are also discussed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]