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LibGuide for L90 AFAS 409 - "Gender, Sexuality, and Change in Africa"

How to Find Subject Specific Databases

Finding Subject Specific Databases on the WashU Libraries Web Page

This short video will walk you through the steps to find and access one of the WashU Libraries subject specific databases.

Database Searching Examples

Database Searching Examples

The videos below will walk you through searching different multidisciplinary databases available through the WashU Libraries.

Academic Search Complete

This video will walk you through how to search Academic Search Complete. It will show you how to narrow down your results using several limiters.


This video will walk you through how to search JSTOR. It will show you how to narrow down your results using several limiters.

Social Sciences Database

This video will walk you through how to search Social Sciences Database. It will show you how to narrow down your results using several limiters.

Get it Button - Accessing Articles

Using the Get It Button

There are times that the WashU Libraries may not have access to an article in the database that you are searching in. To see if it is available in another database, select the Get It Button.

This video will walk you through the steps of using the Get It Button.

Finding eJournals

Determine if the WashU Libraries has a Specific E-Journal

This video will walk you through how to determine whether the WashU Libraries subscribes to a specific e-journal.

Examples of Searching Specific Databases

Vendor Videos/Tutorials

The following videos/tutorials walk you through using some of the most common subject specific databases the WashU Libraries provides.

These have been provided by the vendors of the databases.