An archival research resource containing the essential primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies through to 2000. The core US and UK trade magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater are all included, together with film fan magazines and music press titles. Magazines have been scanned cover-to-cover in high-resolution color, with granular indexing of all articles, covers, ads and reviews. Full text. Learn more about this database.
Access to about 220 full-text titles and citations sourced from more than 600 music periodicals. Covers music, music education, performance, ethnomusicology, musical theatre, theory, popular music forms and composition - journal articles. Learn more about this database.
In-depth articles covering all aspects of music. Includes the New Grove Dictionary of Opera, the New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, the Oxford Dictionary of Music, and the Oxford Companion to Music.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text is a comprehensive bibliography of writings about music featuring citations, abstracts and indexes. It covers nearly one and a half million publications from the early 19th century to the present on traditional music, popular music, jazz, classical music, and related subjects, enhanced with the full text of over 260 periodicals. New titles are being added annually.
An international annotated bibliography with detailed content analysis of writings on musical history and culture between 1800 and 1950, provided by internationally-recognized scholars and editors. RIPM is updated biannually and currently indexes the contents of 120 music periodicals including articles, reviews, illustrations, music examples, advertisements, press reviews, and more.
An essential, unique collection of American jazz periodicals, of great importance to any lover of jazz and its history, and a primary source reference and research tool. This collection contains 119 full text American jazz journals published between 1914 and 2006.
An annotated index and guide to music manuscripts containing more than 657,000 manuscript records by over 22,500 composers found in over 800 libraries and archives in 32 countries including. The Répertoire International des Sources Musicale is the largest and only global operation that registers musical sources.
Covers five decades of history. Contains 17,000 articles, interviews, and reviews from a variety of popular music press, from fanzines to titles such as Spin, Rolling Stone, and British New Musical Express. Also includes a discussion forum, audio interviews, writer profiles, and links to radio stations and rock-related websites.
One of the most influential consumer magazines of the 20th-21st centuries, spanning music, politics / society, and entertainment. Coverage is from Rolling Stone's launch in 1967, with ongoing addition of new issues. Rolling Stone initially sought to reflect the cultural, social, and political outlook of a generation of students and young adults. It has been a leading vehicle for rock and popular music journalism, as well as covering wider entertainment topics such as film and popular culture.
Information about books, journal titles, videos, and materials in other formats owned by more than 15,000 U.S. and foreign libraries. DOES NOT INCLUDE JOURNAL ARTICLES.
While some of the resources in this guide are freely available, most research databases and electronic journals and many online library services have access restrictions that require that you be a current Washington University student, faculty member, or staff member. See this page for help.