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Information about the Gaylord Music Library...

The Washington University Music collection is housed in the Gaylord Music Library located at Forsyth Blvd. and Wallace Circle Drive.

Addresses & Phone Numbers

Gaylord Hall
6500 Forsyth Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105
Phone: (314) 935-5563

US Post Mailing Address:

Gaylord Music Library
Washington University
MSC 1061-141-B
1 Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130

Music Department


The Music Department occupies four buildings on the Danforth Campus: Blewett Hall, Tietjens Hall, the Music Classroom Building, and the Gaylord Music Library. While our classes take place in the Danforth Campus facilities, the applied music program is housed at the 560 Music Center, a short distance north of the Danforth Campus.