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A Guide to Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology (PNP) Resources

Prominent and popular resources for the study of Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology.

Collection Development Policy

Washington University in St. Louis--PNP Collection Development Policy

Library: Olin

Subject: Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology (PNP)

Collection: General

Date Revised: July 2023

Subject Librarian: Sam Lindgren

  1. Purpose of Collection Development Policy
    • The purpose of this collection development policy is to guide the PNP subject librarian in the purchasing of materials that will support the research and teaching of those in the PNP program.
  2. Overview of PNP Program
    • Undergraduate:
      • Degree programs include: PNP Major; PNP Major: Cognitive Neuroscience Track; PNP Major: Language, Cognition and Culture Track; PNP Second Major; PNP Minor.
      • Related degree programs include: Philosophy Major; Psychological & Brain Sciences Major; Biology Major; Computer Science Major; Engineering Major; Anthropology Major; Bioinformatics Major; Linguistics Major; Sociology Major.
      • Other degree programs supported by PNP courses include: Philosophy; Psychological & Brain Sciences; Biology; Linguistics; Spanish; Anthropology.
    • Graduate:
      • The graduate program of PNP is a PhD Degree Program in the Philosophy Department. It supplements Philosophy graduate training with additional course work and research on modes of inquiry, empirical results and theoretical perspectives of psychology and neuroscience.
    • Faculty:
      • The PNP program is made up of mainly affiliated faculty from areas such as Philosophy, Psychological & Brain Sciences, Biology, and Linguistics. Affiliated faculty rotate on-and-off depending on what course they are teaching in a given semester.
  3. Overlap with Other Collections and Subjects:
    • Coverage of the PNP collection overlaps with the collections of Anthropology, Chemistry, Education, Computer Science, Linguistics, Biology, Engineering, Business, Mathematics, Philosophy, and History. 
  4. Exclusions: 
    • Subjects not covered under the PNP collection include: applied psychology, psychotropic drugs and other substances, social work.
    • Materials not purchased include: K-12 literature and textbooks; test preparation guides (unless specifically requested by a PNP undergraduate student); re-prints of materials that we already own (unless specifically requested by a PNP faculty member, affiliated faculty member, graduate student, postdoc, researcher, or staff member); dissertations from other universities; newsletters, tests and measures.
    • At this time, only English language materials are to be purchased (unless specifically requested by a PNP faculty member, affiliated faculty member, graduate student, postdoc, researcher, or staff member).
    • Older materials are not purchased, with the exceptions of: (1) replacing lost or missing items which are not available through the MOBIUS catalog, and (2) if a specific request is made by a PNP faculty member, affiliated faculty member, graduate student, postdoc, researcher, or staff member.
    • For materials with geographic parameters, the Library is only most interested in works pertaining to the United States. However, important works originating from other countries will be considered as well. The increasingly global viewpoint of all disciplines, including philosophy and psychology, is acknowledged. 
    • For materials already available through the Classic Catalog, do not duplicate.
  5. About Monographs:
    • Monographs are purchased on request from WashU's community, on automated approval by our vendors, and at the PNP subject librarian's discretion.
    • The e-book format is preferred to print. Unlimited user, DRM-free e-books are purchased when possible. Print books will be purchased under these circumstances: (1) there is a specific request made by someone in the PNP program, (2) the cost of the print version is substantially less than that of the e-version, or (3) at the PNP subject librarian's discretion.
    • Avoid duplicating e-books in print, unless a specific request is made by someone in the PNP program.
  6. About Journals
    • The University Library subscribes to e-journals when possible. Backfiles of journals will be purchased in e-format unless only print is available.
    • All journals published by the American Psychological Association are purchased electronically.
  7. About Textbooks
    • The University Library prohibits the purchase of textbooks for the general collection. However, given the ever increasing burden than purchasing textbooks places on students, faculty members and affiliated faculty members may request that the textbook(s) for their course be purchased by Library Reserves and placed on Course Reserve for the duration of the semester.
  8. Subjects Covered within the PNP Collection:
    • Subclass BF Psychology
      • BF 1-990 Psychology
      • BF 38-64 Philosophy. Relation to other topics
      • BF 173-175.5 Psychoanalysis
      • BF 176-176.5 Psychological tests and testing
      • BF 180-198.7 Experimental psychology
      • BF 203 Gestalt psychology
      • BF 231-299 Sensation. Aesthesiology
      • BF 309-499 Consciousness. Cognition; including learning, attention, comprehension, memory, imagination, genius, intelligence, thought and thinking, psycholinguistics, mental fatigue.
      • BF 501-505 Motivation
      • BF 511-593 Affection. Feeling. Emotion
      • BF 608-635 Will. Violation. Choice. Control
      • BF 638-648 New Thought. Menticulture, etc.
      • BF 660-685 Comparative psychology. Animal and human psychology
      • BF 692-692.5 Psychology of sex. Sexual behavior
      • BF 697-697.5 Differential psychology. Individuality. Self
      • BF 698-698.9 Personality
      • BF 699-711 Genetic psychology
      • BF 712-724.85 Developmental psychology; including infant psychology, child psychology, adolescence, adulthood
      • BF 725-727 Class psychology
      • BF 795-839 Temperament. Character
      • BF 839.8-885 Physiognomy. Phrenology
    • Subclass GN Anthropology 
      • GN 451-477.7 Intellectual life; including communication. recreation, philosophy, religion, knowledge, etc.
      • GN 502-517 Psychological anthropology
    • Subclass HM Sociology (General)
      • HM 1001-1281 Social psychology
      • HM 1041-1101 Social perception. Social cognition; including perception of the self and others, prejudices, stereotype
      • HM 1106-1171 Interpersonal relations. Social behavior
      • HM 1176-1281 Social influence. Social pressure
    • Subclass LB Theory and practice of education
      • LB 1050.9-1091 Educational psychology
    • Subclass P Philosophy. Linguistics
      • P 87-96 Communication. Mass media
      • P 94.7 Interpersonal communication
      • P 95-95.6 Oral communication. Speech
    • Subclass Q Science (general)
      • Q 300-390 Cybernetics 
    • Subclass QP Physiology
      • QP 351-495 Neurophysiology. Neuropsychology
    • Subclass RC Internal medicine
      • RC 321-571 Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry