What is a Primary Source?
Primary sources are firsthand accounts of events created by individuals during that time. Primary sources can be described as those closest to the origin of the person creating the source. A primary source is the object, with no interpretation.
Primary sources include (but are not limited to):
artwork (paintings, sculpture)
architectural objects
newspaper accounts of an event
movies/television shows
Tweets/TikTok videos/Instagram videos
Over 1,100 (mostly unpublished) scripts. Also includes detailed and fielded information on the scenes, characters and people related to the scripts, and facsimile images for more than 500 of these screenplays. Gift of Mary Wickes in honor of her parents Isabella & Frank Wickenhauser.
Artstor on JSTOR is a collection of over two million rights-cleared images from around the world that are available for education and research across disciplines. The images are curated from leading museums and archives and include Open Access content as well as rare materials. To save or download images, users must register for an individual account. Learn more about this database.
Associated Press Collections Online includes decades' worth of access to an array of internal AP publications and records from select AP bureaus. Contents provided by Associated Press Corporate Archives, AP Images, and AP Archive.
Sources are drawn from the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture, Duke University and the New York Public Library. Contains monographs, pamphlets, periodicals and broadsides addressing political, social and gender issues, religion, race, education, employment, marriage, sexuality, home and family life, health, and pastimes.
Manuscripts and typescripts, newspapers, magazines, press kits, artist’s files, photographs, advertisements, memorabilia, and more from prominent library collections in the U.S. and UK. Key features include original video footage on key events and topics, and a multi-faceted chronology of the period with embedded articles and images.
Covers five decades of history. Contains 17,000 articles, interviews, and reviews from a variety of popular music press, from fanzines to titles such as Spin, Rolling Stone, and British New Musical Express. Also includes a discussion forum, audio interviews, writer profiles, and links to radio stations and rock-related websites.
Complete, full-text contents of Vogue magazine (US edition) in full color page image, from the first issue in 1892 to the present, with monthly updates for new issues. Learn more about this database.
44 reports per year. Explores a single "hot" issue in the news in depth each week, featuring comments from experts, lawmakers and citizens on all sides of every issue.
The Statesman’s Yearbook is an annual publication covering the politics, cultures and economies of all of the countries of the world plus major international organizations. It is authoritative and up-to-date; meticulously compiled by a dedicated in-house editorial team since 1864.
Portal for business and industry, government, and demographic statistics that integrates thousands of diverse topics of data and facts from some 18,000+ public and commercial sources onto a single, easy-to-search platform. Geographic coverage is worldwide, with particular emphasis on the United States, China, and European Union countries. Categorized into market sectors, Statista provides access to qualitative facts on agriculture, economics, finance, information technology, politics and society, and much more.
Statistical Abstract of the United States is a one-volume, comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Learn more about this database.
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500,000+ questions and responses, from 14,000+ surveys, conducted from 1986 through the present in the United States and more than 100 other countries around the world.