Sample Search in the Academic Search Complete Database
Results: 22
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Title: Leveraging ancillary benefits from urban greenspace – a case study of St. Louis, Missouri.
Authors: Jordan, Page;Hoover, Fushcia-Ann; Hopton, Matthew E.
Source: Urban Water Journal. Mar 2022, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p314-323. 10p.
Abstract: Urban greenspace and green infrastructure are often cited for their many ecosystem services and benefits including storm water management. However, the localized nature and limited range of effects of these benefits and the type of greenspace and green infrastructure, make planning and placement critical components to selecting for and maximizing desired benefits. Here, the authors test a framework to demonstrate a practical approach to simultaneously manage excess storm water and maximize distribution of ecosystem services to underserved areas using spatial analysis. St. Louis was subdivided using census block polygons and polygons identified have combined sewer systems with high aggregate annual discharge. Additionally, indicators representing social, economic, and environmental characteristics, which have demonstrated effects from greenspace, were mapped to identify spatial distribution and overlap. The analysis identified one polygon that could promote multiple desired ecosystem services, while reducing annual discharge into combined sewers, and provide these services to an underserved demographic. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Title: St. Louis's "urban prairie": Vacant land and the potential for revitalization.
Authors: Prener, Christopher G.1; Braswell, Taylor Harris2
Monti, Daniel J.1
Source: Journal of Urban Affairs. 2020, Vol. 42 Issue 3, p371-389. 19p.
Abstract: As part of a larger project to understand the relative health and disorder of St. Louis's neighborhoods, this article presents estimates of the number of vacant parcels in the city. These estimates, which are considerably higher than previously published ones, are heavily concentrated in the city's disinvested and segregated north side. We term this heavy concentration of vacancy urban prairie. After accounting for other factors as well as possible sources of statistical error, we identify both long-term population loss since 1970 and the proportion of African American residents as significant covariates associated with the amount of urban prairie land per neighborhood. These high levels of concentrated vacancy lead us to critique the city's existing approaches as being too limited in scope and to suggest a range of possibilities for revitalizing portions of northern St. Louis while allowing prairie land to continue to exist in others. allowing prairie land to continue to exist in others.
Title: “Saving” the City: Harland Bartholomew and Administrative Evil in St. Louis.
Authors: Benton, Mark1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Public Integrity. Mar/Apr2018, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p194-206. 13p.
Abstract: City planner Harland Bartholomew rose in prominence along with the popularity of scientific city-efficient planning during the early to mid-twentieth century. In the pursuit of solutions to urban problems, Bartholomew concluded that the most efficient way to revitalize St. Louis, Missouri, was through the clearing of slums. In an attempt to solve the city’s economic and demographic problems, slum clearance destroyed and displaced Black neighborhoods whose 70,000 residents were seen as detrimental to the city’s success. Bartholomew’s planning was in line with the public administration theoretical perspective of administrative evil, which states that technical-rational specialists sometimes commit acts of cruelty without intending to. Through his attempts to revitalize and renew the city, Harland Bartholomew did a great deal of evil to Black populations in St. Louis. This article identifies the ways that Bartholomew’s administrative evil was masked and perceived as a moral good despite its displacement of Black residents.
Title: The Trap of Triage.
Authors: Cooper-McCann, Patrick1
Source: Journal of Planning History. May2016, Vol. 15 Issue 2, p149-169. 21p.
Abstract: In 1975, consultants from Team Four Inc. advised St. Louis planners to pursue a strategy of neighborhood triage: “conservation” for areas in good health, “redevelopment” for areas just starting to decline, and “depletion” for areas already in severe distress. The firm’s recommended strategy reflected the latest thinking among urban planners, but it provoked outrage among residents of the city’s predominantly black North Side, who read “depletion” as a promise of benign neglect. In this article, I explain how Team Four justified its advice, and why, four decades later, the controversy over its memo persists.
Title: Assessing the Feasibility of Side Yard Programs as a Solution to Land
Vacancy in U.S. Shrinking Cities.
Authors: Ganning, Joanna P.1; Tighe, J. Rosie2
Source: Urban Affairs Review. Sep2015, Vol. 51 Issue 5, p708-725. 18p.
Abstract: Scholars have recommended various strategies to combat land vacancy in shrinking cities. Side yard programs, in which adjacent homeowners purchase vacant lots, represent one such solution. We use the case study city of St. Louis, Missouri, to evaluate this approach’s potential for reducing residential land vacancy. The analysis reveals that while demand-side issues (i.e., affordability) exist, the supply-side barriers (i.e., restrictive guidelines and inequitable or illogical pricing structures) are the larger constraints for the program’s success. In St. Louis, the program as currently structured could find buyers for approximately 10.8% of vacant residential parcels if all eligible buyers were interested. Through comparison of policy scenarios, we conclude that program policy significantly influences a program’s potential success through a range of mechanisms including restrictions regarding buyers’ owner-occupancy status, side yard lot width maximums, and pricing structure. State legislation regarding tax foreclosure auctions and elements of urban design also influence program effectiveness.
Sample Search in the Academic Search Complete Database
Sample Records:
Abstract: Access to a variety of affordable and healthy food has been a critical component in sustainable food-system planning. Research on food accessibility and food deserts (low-income areas with no or limited access to healthy food) can have important policy implications for alleviating health disparities. In the existing food access literature, supermarkets or large chain grocery stores have typically been used as the basis for measuring food access. Independent/non-chain grocers are often left out. We propose a multidimensional accessibility based assessment method to examine whether and how independent grocers help shape the food landscape and their locational strategy. A food desert elimination optimization model is formulated to evaluate the effectiveness of relying on small, full-service grocers for servicing food desert neighborhoods. The empirical study conducted in Tucson, Arizona indicates that, while full-service independent grocers fill some gaps left by chain markets, such stores are more helpful for improving food access diversity; this is reflected by the co-locating patterns of chain and non-chain stores. A few independent stores do, however, primarily serve food deserts in racially/ethnically diverse neighborhoods where higher proportions of residents rely on public assistance program and have limited mobility. Our case study suggests that small, independent grocers may have significant potential to aid in servicing areas with no or limited access to healthy food, particularly if policy incentives are provided. • We examined the role of full service independent grocery stores in shaping urban foodscape. • A spatial optimization model was developed to maximally eliminate food deserts. • Independent grocers are found to fill in the gaps left behind by chain stores in some communities while in many more add to the diversity rather than proximity. • They tend to serve more racially/ethnically diversified and dense neighborhoods. • Promoting small independent grocers in un- or underserved areas has great potential to improve regional food accessibility. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Title: Food Deserts, Libraries, and Urban Communities: What Is the Connection?
Authors: Overbey, Tracey A.
Source: Public Library Quarterly. Jan-Feb2020, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p37-49. 13p. 2 Color Photographs.
Abstract: What do public libraries and communities classified as food deserts have in common? This paper will share how the Cleveland Public Library addressed food security issues in Cleveland, Ohio, through collaboration with local organizations such as The Ohio State University (OSU) Extension in Cuyahoga County and the Cuyahoga County Land Bank (CCLB). Public Libraries are changing the way they serve patrons in disadvantaged communities. Librarians are beginning to share concerns about health issues of their communities. The author provides a step-by-step approach to beginning a community garden at your local public library or community property. The program will benefit groups of all ages.
Title: City racial composition as a predictor of African American food deserts.
Authors: Thibodeaux, Jarrett
Source: Urban Studies (Sage Publications, Ltd.). Aug2016, Vol. 53 Issue 11, p2238-2252. 15p.
Abstract: Extending Small and McDermott’s ‘conditional perspective’, Blalock’s minority competition theory is used to explain how the relationship between African Americans and the number of supermarkets in a zip code depends on the city in which it resides. The 2010 American Community Survey and ZIP Business pattern data are examined with hierarchical general linear models to explore whether the previously observed negative relationship between the percentage of African Americans and the number of supermarkets in a zip code depends on the percentage of African Americans in the city. The results show that the relationship between the percentage of African Americans and the number of supermarkets depends on the percentage of African Americans in the city in the U-shaped pattern predicted by minority competition theory. Applications of minority competition to other theories of the unequal distribution of resources in cities are discussed.