Searching the WU Catalog Using Keyword Search and Subject Searching
Search Strategies - Keyword: Keyword searching uses any words you can think of that best describe your topic.
Sample WU Catalog Keyword Search Strategies:
urban AND history AND renewal
"urban renewal" AND “Saint Louis”
"urban renewal" AND “Saint Louis” AND history
Search Strategies - Subject Headings:
Most academic libraries use Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) for subject searches in their online catalogs. Subject searching is more specific than a keyword searching: it looks in only one field, the subject field.
Subject headings are elements of a "controlled vocabulary," as opposed to the above natural language keyword searches. Subject headings are specifically applied to most nonfiction catalog items. Sample WU Catalog Subject Heading Search Strategies:
City planning -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Hazardous waste site remediation -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Housing -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Inner cities -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Neighborhood planning -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Neighborhoods -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Neighborhoods -- Missouri -- Saint Louis -- History
Urban policy -- Missouri -- Saint Louis
Urban renewal
Urban renewal –Missouri—Saint Louis
Research Tip: Use both keyword searching AND subject searching to get the best results.
Sample Titles:
The Broken Heart of America: St. Louis and the Violent History of the United States. Walter Johnson. New York : Basic Books, 2020. [eBook]
Suburbs. Colin Gordon.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. [eBook]
Mapping Decline: St. Louis and the Fate of the American City. Colin Gordon.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. [eBook]
Old North St. Louis: Sustainably Developing a Historic District.
[Washington, D.C.] : EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency, March 2016.
[online electronic resource]
Segregation by design (2.0): A Historical Analysis of the Impact of Planning and Policy in St. Louis. Edited by Catalina Freixas and others.
Saint Louis: Washington University in St. Louis, [2018] [online electronic resource]
Renaissance: A History of the Central West End. Candace O'Connor; foreword by Francis G. Slay; preface by William H. Danforth, 1926-2020 (Chancellor Emeritus of Washington University) St. Louis, MO : Reedy Press, [2017]
Becker Medical Library-Level 1 Reading Area F 474 .S2 O18r 2017
We stayed to Fight for City Living: How St. Louis Women Sparked a City Renaissance. Delphine McClellan. St. Louis : City Living Press, c1987.
Call Number: Olin Library Level 2 Stacks HN80.S2 M34 1987