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Finding Articles
- Search an appropriate database/online index.
- Once you find an article you want, click on .
More information about Get it!
- A new window will appear showing whether the article is available online. If not, use the WU Catalog links to check whether we have the journal or book in print.
- Try pasting the article or chapter title into Google Scholar; sometimes you can find freely available versions that way
- If the article is not available, click on Interlibrary Loan or ILLIAD. You'll be asked for your . Submit the form.
Tips for Finding a Specific Article
- Search for the journal title (NOT the article title) in the WU Classic Catalog and look for the volume you need; for biomedical titles, you may want to check the Becker Catalog also.
- Search the A-Z title list of electronic journals or use the Citation Linker.
- If WU doesn't have the volume in print or online, fill out an Interlibrary Loan request. This is a free service for Danforth faculty, staff and students.
- Search the article title in Google Scholar; this may retrieve author versions in other repositories, too.
- If prompted with an error message while using Google Scholar, try your search through the widget on this guide: