A new window will appear showing whether the article is available online. If not, use the WU Catalog links to check whether we have the journal or book in print.
Try pasting the article or chapter title into Google Scholar; sometimes you can find freely available versions that way
If the article is not available, click on Interlibrary Loan or ILLIAD. You'll be asked for your . Submit the form.
Tips for Finding a Specific Article
Search for the journal title (NOT the article title) in the WU Classic Catalog and look for the volume you need; for biomedical titles, you may want to check the Becker Catalog also.
If WU doesn't have the volume in print or online, fill out an Interlibrary Loan request. This is a free service for Danforth faculty, staff and students.
Search the article title in Google Scholar; this may retrieve author versions in other repositories, too.