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A Guide to Mathematics Resources

Recommended resources for Mathematics and Statistics

About University Archives

University Archives (WUA) is comprised of more than 300 unique collections. Chronicling the history of the University from 1853 to today, the Archives is a wealth of primary sources and other historical materials that include paper documents and manuscripts, newspapers, photographic prints and negatives, books, films, videos, sound recordings, microfilm, architectural plans, artifacts, and digital assets.

Most archival material is not available online. But the finding aids (inventories of the collections' materials) are available online. You can browse finding aids for physics-related collections below, or by searching finding aids in ArchivesSpace:

Archives materials can be viewed by appointment only in the Julian Edison Department of Special Collections in Olin Library. You may also place a request for digital reproduction of archival material. Please see the Special Collections Research and Access page for up-to-date information. 

Please contact Special Collections to arrange your visit or with reference questions by email ( or via telephone at (314) 935-5495; you may also reach Special Collections by text message at (314) 309-3411.

Math Collections in University Archives