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A Guide to Neuroscience Resources

This guide contains information about and resources for the study of neuroscience at Washington University in St. Louis.

Undergraduate Programs

For undergraduate students with interests in Neuroscience, there are several options in Arts & Sciences at Washington University:

Sample Courses

L33 Psych 3604 Cognitive Neuroscience

To understand the mind we need to study the brain; to study the brain we have to understand the mind. This course offers an introduction to how cognitive psychology and neuroscience have met to understand the principles and mechanisms of brain function that give rise to human cognition. 

L64 PNP 4450 Functional Neuroimaging Methods

In this class you will learn neuroimaging methods in the context of accurate, reproducible, and open science. Topics covered include experimental design, accounting for artifacts, single-subject models, and group models. By the end you will have used a computer script to analyze an fMRI dataset and have a good understanding of preprocessing and statistical analyses in fMRI.

L41 BIOL 3411 Principles of the Nervous System

The basic anatomical, physiological, and chemical organization of the nervous system; how nerve cells communicate with each other, the ionic basis of nerve signals, the function and properties of chemical agents in the nervous system, the development of neural circuitry, and how neurons interact to produce behavior.

L41 BIOL 3422 Genes, Brains, and Behavior

Genetic studies of physiological systems underlying animal behavior, including the genetic basis for normal and abnormal behaviors in animals and humans. 

Neuroscience News

News from the Office of Neuroscience Research at WashU:

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