West has divided all American law into over 400 Topics.
Each Topic is represented by a word or phrase and has been assigned a number. Topics are subdivided into subtopics called Key Numbers. Key Numbers are sometimes divided into subtopics.
For Example:
Topic is Animals; Topic number is 28
Key Number is a Subtopic. Key Number 66.5 covers cases in which a dog known to be viscious injured a person. (Key Number 2.5 covers licensing of animals).
Shorthand = 28K66.5
3 Ways to Use Topics & Key Numbers to Find Cases:
One Good Case MethodA West headnote is the summary of one legal issue in a case. Cases often have multiple headnotes. Each headnote is assigned a Topic and Key Number. With an on point case, you can find add'l cases addressing the same issue in the same or different jurisdiction.
Example headnote from Bussell v. Tri-County Humane Society, 50 S.W.3d 303 (Mo. Ct. App. 2001)
For an introduction to Word and Terms & Connectors searching on WestlawNext, see LRM: Searching Bloomberg Law, Lexis Advance and WestlawNext.