The simplest way to quickly print nicely formatted results from PubMed is to use Ctrl P or your browser's print option. If you would like abstracts to display on your print out, make sure to change your Display Options to include them. You can also use the Save option in PubMed to create printable text files.
The files created by PubMed for export/import into reference management software are nbib formatted files which are unique to the PubMed database. They are compatible with EndNote and can be automatically imported into your EndNote library.
If using Zotero, the save button in your Internet browser will show a folder icon. Clicking this folder icon will open a window where you can select the items that you want to save. If you would like to import a large number of references then Zotero is also compatible with nbib files.
References from PubMed can be printed, emailed or exported into reference management software such as EndNote.
Check the boxes for the results you wish to print, email or export. If you want to export the entire page, or all of the results, you can simply move on to the next step.
At the top of each page of results are options to Save, Email or Send to your results.
If you would like to export your results to reference management software then select Send to and then Citation manager.
After selecting to send your results to Citation manager you will get the option to create a file containing the details of the references that you can send to your reference management package.