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ART 338X Semiotics Studio: Designing Signs and Symbols

This is a course research guide for Prof. Aggie Toppins', ART 338X Semiotics Studio: Designing Signs and Symbols

Think like a fact checker - Investigate before consuming


1. Stop

Before you start to read it — STOP. Ask yourself whether you know and trust the website or source of the information. Don't read or share it until you know what it is.

2. Investigate the Source

Know what you're reading before you read it (see video above). Knowing the expertise and agenda of the source is crucial to your interpretation of what they say.

3. Find trusted coverage

Search for other trusted reporting or analysis on the claim. Look for the best source you can find and scan multiple sources to see what the consensus seems to be.

4. Trace claims, quotes, and media back to the original context

Trace the claim, quote or media back to the original source, so you can see it in context and get a sense if the version you saw was accurately presented and analyzed. Consider:

  • Who is the speaker or publisher? 
  • What's their expertise or authority (there are multiple kinds of authority)? 
  • What's their agenda or motivation?
  • What's their record of fairness or accuracy?


Adapted from:

How to Be Media Literate: Be curious. Be reflective. Actively investigate your news sources.

  1. If you have an immediate emotional reaction to a news article or source: pause, reflect, investigate. Exciting an emotional reaction is a primary goal of fake news producers. Do not be part of a viral fake news spiral.
  2. Independently verify the source (by performing a separate search) and independently verify the information (through more mainstream news sources or fact-checking sites).
  3. Select news sources known for high-quality, investigative reporting. Search these sources directly. Don't settle for web search results or social media news feeds.
  4. Social media algorithms are designed to present the news that reinforces your current views, not a balanced view.