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Financial Literacy WashU

A guide on understanding finances and becoming fiscally responsible

Video on Rent

Length: 4:08 Description: Goes through the calculations you can do to know how much rent you can afford. Hits on utilities and extra charges. 

Experts recommend only spending between 25%-35% of your after-tax income on rent and housing. So let’s say your pay after taxes is $1,500 a month. Ideally, you shouldn’t pay more than $525 a month on rent.

Buying furniture and decorations for an apartment can be costly, but there are a lot of places you can visit to save yourself money. Personally, the WashU Free and for Sale page is a lifesaver. There are so many students selling items for cheap and if you are lucky, you might run into someone giving away furniture for free!

Honestly, groceries were the most shocking expense I had to come to terms with. My mom always prepared my food, and while living on campus, I just ate at BD; swiping my card without considering the price. The reality about groceries is that you can't avoid paying for them just because they're expensive. Eating is a basic need we can't forgo. Luckily enough, there are tips on how to save money for groceries.