Database contains international publications in linguistics and related disciplines in language sciences.
From the Modern Language Association (MLA), this resource combines an extensive collection of full-text journals with the definitive index for the study and teaching of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric, writing studies, folklore, film, theater, and other dramatic arts. Includes the MLA Thesaurus and the MLA Directory of Periodicals.
(1985-) Covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including culture and social structure, history and theory of sociology, social psychology, substance abuse and addiction and more. Provides full-text coverage of more than 310 journals in sociology and social work, including many core titles indexed in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts. As well as hundreds of full text scholarly journals, the database also includes over 500 recent full-text doctoral dissertations on sociology.
Combine and try searching your keyword with 'ETIOLOGY' 'ETYMOLOGY' 'CULTURE'