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GIS Software and Tutorials

This guide provides GIS software download instruction and usage tutorials.

Classic Esri Story Maps Retiring 2025

Introduced in 2013, Esri Story Maps was web-based application that let users create interactive stories using maps, multimedia, and text.

In 2019, Esri released a new platform, called ArcGIS StoryMaps, and began phasing out the classic Esri Story Maps platform.

In Fall 2025, the classic Esri Story Maps platform will be permanently retired. At that time, it will be removed from ArcGIS Online, and any stories created with Esri Story Maps will no longer be available.

If you have a story map created using the classic Esri Story Maps platform and want it to continue to be available, you will need to recreate it using the new ArcGIS StoryMaps platform.

How do I know if my story map uses the classic Esri Story Maps platform?

There are a few ways to tell if your story map uses the new ArcGIS StoryMaps or the classic Esri Story Maps platform.

  • Look at your story map's public view: depending on the template used, a classic Esri Story Map may have text that says "A story map" and social media sharing icons in the upper right corner:
    classic storymap social media icons
  • Look at the URL:
    • If it starts with "" it is on the new ArcGIS StoryMaps platform and doesn't need to be transferred over.
    • If it contains one of the classic template names (i.e. /apps/Shortlist, /apps/MapSeries, /apps/Journal, /apps/Cascade, /apps/MapTour, /apps/Swipe, /apps/StoryMapBasic) it is on the classic Esri Story Maps platform.
  • Sign into ArcGIS Online and look at your story map under "My content." A classic Esri Story Map will have a "Web Mapping Application" item type. A new ArcGIS StoryMap will have a "StoryMap" item type.

If you have questions about the classic Esri Story Maps retirement, please feel free to reach out to Data Services.

Transitioning to ArcGIS StoryMaps

How do I transfer my classic Esri Story Map to the new ArcGIS StoryMap platform?

There is no way to automatically convert or transfer a classic Esri Story Map—it will need to be recreated in the new ArcGIS StoryMaps platform. Esri has several useful resources for creating new ArcGIS StoryMaps:

Is there a way to automatically redirect the URL of my classic Esri Story Map to my new StoryMap?

Unfortunately no. If the URL of your classic Esri Story Map has been shared in places where it cannot be changed (e.g. emails), there is no way to automatically redirect users to the newer version. Consider editing the original story map with an obvious note to communicate that version has been retired and provide a link to the new site. See the Mapping LGBTQ St. Louis legacy site as an example:

Mapping LGBTQ St. Louis title screen with note in subtitle redirecting to new website