This list should not be considered exhaustive of all, potentially useful subject headings. Further refinement of searches may be necessary in order to narrow one's options of appropriate titles:
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Medicine -- Religious aspects
Spiritual healing
Religion and science
Alternative medicine
Mental healing
Healing -- Religious Aspects
Integrative medicine
Health -- Religious aspects
Mental Healing
Pastoral Care
Psychology and Religion
Medical laws and legislation (Jewish law)
Suffering -- Religious aspects
Death -- Religious aspects
Bioethics -- Religious aspects
Aging -- Religious aspects
Religion and science
Medicine in the Bible
MeSH Subject headings (useful for PubMed)
Religion and Medicine
Spiritual Therapies
Faith Healing -- psychology
American Theological Library Association (ATLA) - the premier index of articles, reviews, and essays in all fields of religion and theology
PubMed - more than 30 million citations and abstracts for biomedical and life sciences literature; It does not include full text journal articles
PsycInfo - journal articles, chapters, books, dissertations and reports on psychology and related fields
Anthropology - citations to articles and essays in anthropology and archaeology, from works published in English and other European languages, 19th century to present
SocINDEX - scholarly journals, plus extensive indexing for books/monographs, conference papers, and other non-periodical content sources. Provides comprehensive coverage of sociology, encompassing all sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study.
JSTOR - multidisciplinary, a lot of full text articles, but subject headings are too broad
Academic Search Complete (1975-present) - multidisciplinary; subject headings may or may not be LCSH; also made by EBSCO, so overlaps with America: History & Life
JSTOR v. Academic Search Complete
Google Scholar - articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web. While Google Scholar itself is free on the web, many of the citations it references are not.
Quick Search- is a discovery layer that searches WashU Libraries' catalog as well as a number of newspaper and journal databases
Google Scholar v. Quick Search (formerly Primo)
Project MUSE - a comprehensive collection of peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journals from leading university presses, not-for-profit publishers and prestigious scholarly societies.
Scopus - The world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Contains over 46 million records, 70% with abstracts, and also includes over 4.6 million conference papers.
Historical American Newspapers (ProQuest) - covers major U.S. urban newspapers; may not be up-to-date for all papers
search by name of paper
search by city/region of paper
MAS Ultra (1975 - ) - full text for more than 700 popular magazines