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A Guide to American History

This page brings together various information resources on the subject of American History.

Reference Works - A Place to Begin

See also keyword search = [City name] + encyclopedias - There are encyclopedias for many big U.S. cities, like The Encyclopedia of Chicago or The Encyclopedia of New York City, but, sometimes, their subject is "Chicago Region" and state abbreviations are not always the two-letter USPS abbreviation.

Also, pay attention to subheadings like "bibliography," as in this item: Saint Louis: An annotated bibliography on the city & its area under Saint Louis (Mo.) -- Bibliography.

Book Searching

moving from keywords to Subject(s); advanced searches

Academic Journal Article Databases

Subject-specific eJournal collections

Multidisciplinary Academic Journal databases

How does Quick Search compare to using subject-specific databases?

Primary Sources

Other Periodicals

Government Documents


U.S. Congress

African Americana

American Indians / Native Americans / Indigenous People of North America


Other Databases