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Welcome to the Washington University in St. Louis Libraries' guide to resources for the study of Classics! The table of contents to the left provide links to a wealth of resources that will help inform your studies and research. Some are subscription databases that require you to login with your WashU credentials, while others are freely accessible to all. 

Department of Classics Website

Classics Department Library Catalog (for items housed in the Dept. of Classics)

Classics Call Numbers for Print Books

Call Numbers

WashU Libraries use the Library of Congress classification system. For the most part, material for the study of classical antiquity is located in the classes PA "Classical Philology and Literature," and DE, DF, and DG, for general Mediterranean, Greek, and Roman history respectively. However, a substantial amount of relevant material is distributed elsewhere in the classification system, largerly according to the subject matter of the work.

Editions of works in the original languages are, as a rule, classified under call number PA, with occasional exceptions. Translations of classical literary works (e.g. poetry, drama) are classified under PA; however, translations into English of "nonliterary" works, such as history, philosophy, and geography are usually classified according to their subject matter--so, for example, translations of Plato and Aristotle will in the "B's". Classifications of commentaries and secondary literature on such works is a bit less consistent.

Special Note: When looking for foreign language titles in the Library Catalog that include a non-English preceding article, e.g., L'amica geniale, Le "Etiopiche" di Eliodoro: Approcci narratologici e nuove prospettive, you must remove the article from the title when doing a "title" search, e.g., amica geniale, "Etiopiche" di Eliodoro: Approcci narratologici e nuove prospettive. If you do not remove the article, the search will yield no results. Follow the link provided above to see a full list of initial articles to be on the lookout for!

PA: Classical Philology

PA1–9 Periodicals

PA51–85 History, study & teaching

PA111–199 Greek & Latin Language

PA201–1179 Greek Philology & Language

  • PA600–691 Hellenistic (κοινή) Greek
  • PA700–791 Biblical Greek
  • PA1001–1179 Medieval & Modern Greek

PA2001–2995 Latin Philology & Language

PA3000–3049 Classical Literature (In General)

PA3050–5868 Greek Literature

  • PA3300–3371 Papyri

PA6000– Latin Literature

D: History

D51-90 Ancient History (General)

DA145–147 Roman Britian

DC62–63 Roman Gaul

DE: The Greco-Roman World

  • DE1–15 General
  • DE27–31 Geography
  • DE46–73 Culture and Civilization
  • DE80–98 History

DF1-500 Ancient Greece (to c. 323 CE)

  • DF10–16 General
  • DF10 Periodicals
  • DF12 Sources & Documents
  • DF75–135 Civilization & Culture
  • DF207–241 History
  • DF207–218 General
  • DF220–241 By Period
  • DF251–289 Local History

DG1-399 Ancient Italy, Rome to 476 CE

  • DG11–16 General
  • DG11 Periodicals
  • DG13 Sourcebooks
  • DG42–70 Local and Regional History
  • DG61–69 City of Rome
  • DG75–190 Civilization & Culture
  • DG201–365 History
  • DG221–365 History by Period

DS54.3 Ancient Cyprus

DS71–75 Ancient Iraq to 638 A.D.

DS81 Phoenicia

DS96 Ancient Syria, including the Seleucids

DS111–123 Ancient Israel

DS275–287 Iran to 651 AD

DT57–93 Ancient Egypt, including the Ptolemies (DT92)

Classics outside of the D's and PA's

B108–708 Ancient Philosophy

BL700–820 Classical Religion and Mythology

BR160–240 Early History of Christianity

CE21–46 Ancient Chronography, CE42–46 Greek & Roman Calendars

CJ201–1400 Ancient Numismatics. 

CN1–1100 Ancient Epigraphy

G82–88 Ancient Geography, G1033 Atlases of the Ancient World

GT530–580 Ancient dress and costume

GV17–35, 573 Ancient Sports and Games

HC31–39 Ancient Economic History

HD132–137 Ancient Economic History (Land), HD4844 Labor in the Ancient World

HF355–381 History of Ancient Trade and Commerce

HN9–10 Ancient Social History

HQ13 Ancient Sexuality; HQ505–12 The Family in Antiquity; HQ1127–1139 Women in the Ancient World

HT863 Ancient Slavery

JC51–93 Ancient Political Institutions & Theory

KJA Roman Law

ML162-169 Ancient Music

N5320-5899 Fine Arts in Antiquity

NA210–340 Ancient Architecture

NA69–169 Ancient Sculpture

ND60–135 Ancient Painting

NK610–685 Ancient Decorative Arts

NK1180–1250 Ancient Decoration and Ornament

NK4645–4654 Greek & Roman Vases

P901–1099 Extinct Asian and European Languages

R126–127 Ancient Medical Works; R135 History of Ancient Medicine.

T16 Ancient Technology

U29–35 Warfare in Antiquity

Z105–115 Paleography, Z7016–7030 Bibliography of Classical Languages and Literature

Dissertations & Theses Online

Search these resources for dissertations and theses online. In the ProQuest Global database, use advanced search to limit to Washington University in St. Louis publications. Please note that print dissertations and theses that have not been digitized may not be available online. 

Book Reviews

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rogueclassicism: 1. n. an abnormal state or condition resulting from the forced migration from a lengthy Classical education into a profoundly unClassical world; 2. n. a blog about Ancient Greece and Rome compiled by one so afflicted (v. "rogueclassicist"); 3. n. a Classics blog.