Most materials sent to the Preservation Unit from Circulation, Shelving, and Interlibrary Loan should be use driven. Staff and students who are checking-in materials that have circulated should be on the lookout for various kinds of damage.
This guide shows pictures of the kinds of damage that require a book to be sent to the Preservation Unit for repair, rebinding, replacement, or relabeling. Use driven means materials that are checked-in after they have circulated, or left on tables, study carrels, and othe places after users have finished using them within the libraries.
In addition, there are materials that are new to the collection that have problems -- such as new books not in suitable physical condition to go directly to the libraries' shelves, as well as older books from purchase, backlogs, and donations that need some help.
Finally, there are books identified at the shelf that need repair or further treatment. In general, it is best to contact the Preservaton Unit first (935-4287) if sending more than just a few of materials identified at the shelf that are not in fact circulating.