Contains German-language editions of Bertolt Brecht's complete works.
Covers almost 500 years of German lyric poetry and includes the work of over 500 authors from the 15th to the 20th century. Covers all volumes of German poetry published within Reclams Universalbibliothek since 1945.
Works with scholarly commentary of more than thirty authors from the Middle Ages through early 20th century. It includes prose, poetry, drama, diaries, letters, political speeches, historical documents, and writings on art and philosophy.
An array of printed sources from the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. Drawn from major repositories including the Danish Royal Library, the National Central Library in Florence, the National Library of France, the National Library of the Netherlands, and the Wellcome Library in London.
Drawn from the collection of Dutch physician Aletta Jacobs and her husband C.V. Gerritsen. Contains books, pamphlets and periodicals reflecting the evolution of a feminist consciousness and the movement for women's rights. Includes over 4,700 publications from continental Europe, the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand in 15 languages.
Contains Goethe's works from the Weimar edition (Sophie edition), which were originally published from 1887-1919 by Hermann Boehlau (and successors) under the patronage of the Grand Duchess Sophie of Saxonia. Supplemented by letters and other material discovered after the Weimar edition.
The critical edition of Kafka's complete works, Franz Kafka, Kritische Ausgabe, Schriften und Tagebücher, of which the first volume was published in 1982.
The Weimar Edition of Luthers Werke is regarded as a monumental work in the field of theology and the German language. It was first published in 1883 and includes 127 volumes, now available in electronic format.
Primary source collections of the long nineteenth century, sourced through partnerships with major world libraries. Monographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, statistics, and more.
Schillers Werke comprises the complete works of Friedrich von Schiller, including his poetry and plays, the translations, minor prose works, historical and philosophical writings, letters to and from Schiller and the Conversations. Learn more about this database.