A general encylopedia that covers all subjects.
German equivalent of Encyclopedia of Early Modern History Online. This 15-volume reference work, published in print between 2005 and 2012 by J.B. Metzler is now available online. It offers a multi-faceted view on the decisive era in European history stretching from ca. 1450 to ca. 1850 ce. in over 4,000 entries.
Comprehensive German-language encyclopedia of world literature from antiquity to the present. Summaries, synopses, and biographical sketches.
Over 5100 authoritative profiles of authors, works and literary and historical topics, written by over 2000 specialists from universities around the world. Also lists over 22,000 works by date, country and genre. Covers canonical literature originally written in English, French, German and Russian, and is extending its coverage of Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek. Data can be arrayed by date, country and genre.
An accessible and intuitive online platform, Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism brings together a wealth of interdisciplinary content about the Modernist period, and is the ideal starting point for any research in modernism. With over 1,000 articles from experts in the field, supported by over 100 images, The content covers eight key subject areas: Literature, Architecture, Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theater, Film, and Intellectual Currents. Researchers can browse by subject, movement, or place in order to discover connections between key topics and fields.