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A Guide to Germanic Studies Resources

Research Guide to support Germanic Studies at Washington University

Searching Quick Search for Streaming Video, DVD, and VHS

You can search by keyword using the search box above to find a particular film. You can limit your search using the filters on the left-hand side by scrolling down to "Resource Type" and selecting the checkbox for "Video."  Can't find it? Try using the Advanced Search. One option is to select TITLE from the search filters menu.  Typically you can search by the title in the original language OR the translated title. To search for films by a particular director or actor, search by AUTHOR.


Lists of German and Swedish Films on DVD/VHS at WashU Libraries

Note: Many foreign language films include English subtitles. Check the catalog record for individual titles. DVD/VHS items can be found on Level B, where there is also a media player and viewing station that can play DVD/VHS items from any region.

Streaming Film

Other resources for Films at WU

Recommend a Film for Purchase

Do you know of a film that we should have in our collection? You can e-mail your subject librarian your film recommendations or fill out the item request form

Finding German Film in other libraries/commercially