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John M. Olin Library
A Guide to World History
HIST 3168 - The History of Global Capitalism: From Slavery to Neoliberalism
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A Guide to World History
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Hist 3450: Modern Germany
Hist 3598: First World War
FYP 1801 First-Year Seminar: Medieval and Renaissance Venice
HIST 301L Latin American History: Food, Domesticity, and Gender
HIST/LatAm/FYP/WGSS 2118 First-Year Seminar: Angels, Prostitutes and Chicas Modernas: Women in Latin American History
GS 3176 - Chinese Economy in World History
HIST 156 First-Year Seminar: England in the Age of Shakespeare
HIST 351 - England Under the Tudors
HIST 321C - Introduction to Colonial Latin America until 1825: The Conquest
HIST 3490 - Europe in the 20th Century: Unruly Populations
HIST 574 - Seminar in Modern European History
HIST 2158 - Outcasts and Outlaws: The History of Othering in Modern Europe
GS 4007 - Global Studies Research Methods Proseminar and Assistantship
U85 IA 5275 - Diplomacy
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