Books for One Year: Alumni can borrow books from the Brown School Library for one year after their graduation date.
Books After One Year: Century Club Members: Washington University alumni and St. Louis residents can check out materials from the Libraries by joining the Century Club. A basic membership is $100 per year. (Does not include off-campus access to most databases and e-journals.)
Remote Access: Once you have graduated you will no longer be able to access online library resources remotely.
Online Resources: Alumni can use most online resources at the library with a guest pass via a hardwired computer. There are some ebooks they will not be able to access.
Library Building: You are welcome to visit the library M-F between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. For all other times, please make arrangements with the library staff.
Inter-library Loan and MOBIUS: Once you have graduated, you will no longer have access to inter-library loan or MOBIUS. Your local public library offers inter-library.