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Brown School Library

Location: Brown Hall, 3rd Floor
Serving the research and teaching needs of the Brown School community in social work, public health, and social policy.

Changes to MOBIUS Service

The MOBIUS online library catalog, a resource sharing network of libraries around the Midwest region, remains suspended. Faculty, students, and staff will continue to utilize the Interlibrary Loan service during this period.

While MOBIUS has recently migrated to a new operating and software system, the platform is experiencing a number of issues with functionality and process which make it difficult for patrons to check out materials.

WashU Libraries are monitoring the platform and will not restore MOBIUS resource sharing until Libraries staff are confident that it will meet patrons’ needs and expectations.

Visit the WashU Libraries website for additional information.

Finding Library Books

1. Search the catalog

2. Find book OR request for pick-up

Location in the catalog tells you which campus library has the book

  • Visit that library building, and use the call number to find the right shelf.
  • Click request button in the catalog and staff will find the book and let you know when it can be picked-up

Books and Journals

Check Out These Tutorials for Assistance!

New Books: Paper & Electronic Books that are New to the Brown School Library