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Brown School Library

Location: Brown Hall, 3rd Floor
Serving the research and teaching needs of the Brown School community in social work, public health, and social policy.

10+ Reasons to LOVE the Brown School Library!


  1. The Library has one of the best Reading Rooms on the Danforth Campus. Hint: Look down!
  2. As a library dedicated to the Brown School, the collections are top tier and focused on your research and teaching. This means access to around 60K print volumes and thousands of eJournals & eBooks.
  3. Our Library has some of the best hours on campus. Check out our Hours and Location info.
  4. Your librarians conduct around 1,300 one-on-one meetings with students, faculty, and researchers each year. Find out what they know by scheduling an appointment.
  5. As a current student or faculty member you can get access to books, eBooks, eJournals, and all of the databases the University has to offer -- most from the comfort of your own home. Check out our Resources tab for more info!
  6. The Library is a great place to work while you are a student!
  7. We house the Lost & Found for the entire Brown School! (And it fills up quickly!)
  8. Many required course readings are available from the Library. If yours aren't, ask your instructor about it.
  9. Research Guides are a great place to start your research. And our tutorial videos will set you up for success. Go there, now!
  10. The Library has more than just cool books and journals, we also check out laptops, phone & laptop chargers, colored pencils, calculators, magnifying glasses, headphones, and umbrellas.

Bonus Reason: We often have buttons, puzzles, coloring pages, and other fun and relaxing things going on here!

Brown School Library Reading Room - 3rd Floor, Brown Hall