Center for Public Health Systems Science (CPHSS)Brown School research center. Products tab is helpful. "Our mission at the Center for Public Health Systems Science is to create sustainable solutions to public health problems. We achieve this by connecting research and evaluation, leading to: Better integration of theory and practice; Greater understanding of whole systems; Improved health policies; Rapid adoption of evidence-based policies and practices. .. We work toward our vision by concentrating in four focus areas: Prevention Policy Research - Engaging in innovative policy research in tobacco control and other chronic disease areas, Informing advocacy for effective public health policy. Policy and Systems Evaluation - Evaluating public health programs and policies, Examining multi-site local, state, and national initiatives, Building evaluation capacity. Innovative Methods - Social network analysis, Multi-level modeling; Concept mapping, Geographic information systems (GIS). Knowledge Translation - Communicating research and evaluation findings, Providing tools for program sustainability, Contributing to evidence-based guidelines, Implementing data visualization and dissemination best practices."