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A Social Work Research Guide

Social work research guide

Keeping Current in Your Field for Alumni Subpage

You can set up alerts in order to be notified of new information related to your professional practice.  This is an easy way to stay current in your field.

Database Alerts
     Many databases offer alert services.  Then, you can receive citations
          that meet your criteria as the articles are indexed.  Some free
          databases have search alert services.  For example: PubMed,
          PTSDpubs, Green FILE, etc.

Journal Alerts
     Many journals offer free article alerts based on the appearance of
          your key words in the newly published article's title.  Receive the
          citations as each issue is published.  Most journals do not require a
          subscription in order to use this service.  Visit the journal's website
          in order to set up an alert.  
Tables of Contents Alerts
     Many journals offer free Tables of Contents services.  Then, you can receive
          the tables of contents as each issue is published.  Most journals do not
          require a subscription in order to use this service. 
          IngentaConnect (below link) and JournalTOCs (below link) offer tables of contents for hundreds
          of journals.  For other journals, visit the journal's website.
Website Alerts
     Google alerts on your topic:

     Many organizations/associations that focus on your topic have alert
          services based on topic/category.  Usually, you do not need to be a
          member in order to receive the alerts.  Visit their websites for

     Many organizations and associations provide free electronic
          newsletters/bulletins on the current happenings related to your topic. 
          Usually, you do not need to be a member of the
          organization/association.  Visit their websites for more information.    

     Monitor selected blogs, discussion groups/forums, and social networking
          sites (for example: Facebook).  Many offer alert services when new
          content is added.    

Using RSS to Keep Current
     Use RSS to keep current in your field.  For an explanation of RSS and
          how to connect the service with your topic/category, see the following
          research guide:   

Helpful Blog: Information Practice
     "To help social service professionals throughout the world
          conveniently maintain an awareness of news regarding the profession
          and emerging scholarship."  By Dr. Gary Holden, New York
          University: Silver School of Social Work.