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A Social Work Research Guide

Social work research guide

Keyword Terms - Abuse/Domestic Violence

"abuse" OR "abuses" OR "abused" OR "abusing" OR "abuser" OR "abusers" OR "abusive"
"abuse survivor" OR "abuse survivors"
"abuse victim" OR "abuse victims"
"acquaintance rape" OR "acquaintance rapes" OR "acquaintance raped"
"adult child abuse victim" OR "adult child abuse victims"
"adult child sexual abuse victim" OR "adult child sexual abuse victims"
"adult protection service* worker*"
"adult protection worker*"
"adult protective service* worker*"
"adult protective worker*"
"adult survivor of child abuse" OR "adult survivors of child abuse"
"adult survivor of child sex abuse" OR "adult survivors of child sex abuse"
"adult survivor of child sexual abuse" OR "adult survivors of child sexual abuse"
"adult survivor of childhood sex abuse" OR "adult survivors of childhood sex abuse"
"adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse" OR "adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse"
"adverse childhood experience" OR "ACE" OR "adverse childhood experiences" OR "ACEs"
"affirmative consent"
"allegation" OR "allegations"
"battered child syndrome"
"battered person syndrome"
"battered woman syndrome"
"batterer" OR "batterers"
"batterer intervention worker*"
"boyfriend abuse" OR "boyfriend abused"
"boyfriend abuser" OR "boyfriend abusers"
"boyfriend battery"
"boyfriend violence"
"child abandonment"
"child abuse"
"child abuse prevention & treatment act" OR "capta"
"child abuser" OR "child abusers"
"child advocate*"
"child bride" OR "child brides"
"child commercial sexual exploitation"
"child maltreatment"
"child marriage" OR "child marriages"
"child mistreatment"
"child molestation"
"child molester" OR "child molesters"
"child neglect"
"child prostitute" OR "child prostitutes"
"child prostitution"
"child protection services"
"child protective services"
"child sex abuse"
"child sex abuser" OR "child sex abusers"
"child sexual abuse"
"child sexual abuser" OR "child sexual abusers"
"child sex slavery"
"child sex trafficking"
"child slavery"
"child trafficking"
"childhood sex abuse"
"childhood sexual abuse"
"child survivor"
"child trafficker" OR "child traffickers"
"child sex trafficker" OR "child sex traffickers"
"child sex trafficking" OR "child sexual trafficking"
"child sexual trafficker" OR "child sexual traffickers"
"child trafficking" OR "child trafficked"
"child welfare"
"child witness"
"commercial child exploitation"
"commercial child sex exploitation"
"commercial child sexual exploitation"
"couples abuse"
"couples battery"
"couples rape"
"couples violence"
"court advocate*"
"date rape" OR "date rapes" OR "date raped"
"dating abuse" OR "dating abused" OR "dating abuser" OR "dating abusers"
"dating battery"
"dating violence"
"domestic abuse"
"domestic assault" OR "domestic assaults"
"domestic battery"
"domestic violence" OR "DV"
"Domestic Violence Adviser*"
"domestic violence advocate*"
"domestic violence restraining order*" OR "DVRO"
"elder abuse" OR "elder abuses"
"elder abuser" OR "elder abusers"
"emotional abuse" OR "emotional abuses"
"emotional abuser" OR "emotional abusers"
"emotionally abused"
"family abuse"
"family battery"
"family violence"
"forced intercourse"
"forced prostitution" OR "forced prostituting"
"forced sex"
"forced sexual contact"
"forced sexual intercourse"
"forced sexual relations"
"foster care"
"foster child" OR "foster children"
"foster families"
"foster family"
"foster father" OR "foster fathers"
"foster home" OR "foster homes" OR "foster homecare"
"foster mother" OR "foster mothers"
"foster parent" OR "foster parents" OR "foster parenting"
"foster services"
"foster system" OR "foster systems"
"gender-based abuse" OR "gender based abuse"
"gender-based battery" OR "gender based battery"
"gender based violence" OR "gender-based violence"
"girlfriend abuse" OR "girlfriend abused"
"girlfriend abuser" OR "girlfriend abusers"
"girlfriend battery"
"girlfriend violence"
"human trafficker" OR "human traffickers"
"human trafficking" OR "human trafficked"
"husband abuse" OR "husband abused"
"husband abuser" OR "husband abusers"
"husband battery"
"husband violence"
"inappropriate sex" OR "inappropriate sexual"
"incest" OR "incestuous"
"intergenerational transmission"
"interparental violence"
"inter-parental violence"
"interpersonal violence"
"inter-personal violence"
"intimate abuse" OR "intimate abuses"
"intimate abuser" OR "intimate abusers"
"intimate battery"
"intimate partner abuse"
"intimate partner violence" OR "IPV"
"intimate violence"
"intimately abused" OR "intimately abusive"
"investigation" OR "investigations"
"lust murder" OR "lust murders"
"mail order bride" OR "mail order brides"
"marital abuse"
"marital abuser" OR "marital abusers"
"marital abusive" OR "marital abusiveness"
"marital assault" OR "marital assaults" OR "marital assaultive"
"marital battery"
"marital rape" OR "marital rapes"
"marital violence"
"marriage abuse"
"marriage abuser" OR "marriage abusers" OR "marriage abusive" OR "marriage abusiveness"
"marriage battery"
"marriage rape" OR "marriage rapes"
"marriage violence"
"minor sex trafficking"
"molest" OR "molests" OR "molested" OR "molesting"
"molester" OR "molesters"
"nonconsensual" OR "non-consensual" OR "nonconsensually" OR "non-consensually"
"offender" OR "offenders"
"partner abuse" OR "partner abused" OR "partner abusive" OR "partner abusiveness"
"partner abuser" OR "partner abusers"
"partner battery"
"partner violence"
"pedophile" OR "pedophiles"
"perpetrator" OR "perpetrators"
"physical abuse" OR "physical abusiveness"
"physical abuser" OR "physical abusers"
"physical violence"
"physically abused" OR "physically abusive"
"physically violent"
"prostitute" OR "prostitutes" OR "prostituted" OR "prostituting"
"psychologic abuse" OR "psychological abuse" OR "psychologically abused"
"rape" OR "rapes" OR "raped"
"rape in marriage" OR "rapes in marriage" OR "raped in marriage"
"rape survivor" OR "rape survivors"
"rape trauma syndrome"
"rape victim" OR "rape victims"
"rapist" OR "rapists"
"relationship abuse" OR "relationship abused" OR "relationship abusive" OR "relationship abusiveness"
"relationship abuser" OR "relationship abusers"
"relationship battery"
"relationship violence"
"respondent" OR "respondents"   (person subject to DV restraining order)
"romance abuse"
"romance battery"
"romance violence"
"romantic abuse" OR "romantic abusive" OR "romantic abusiveness"
"romantic abuser" OR "romantic abusers"
"romantic battery"
"romantic violence"
"romantically abused"
"sex abuse" OR "sex abused" OR "sex abuses" OR "sex abusive" OR "sex abusiveness"
"sex assault" OR "sex assaults"
"sex battery"
"sex coercion"
"sex crime" OR "sex crimes"
"sex exploitation"
"sex harassment"
"sex intimidation"
"sex misconduct"
"sex offender" OR "sex offenders"
"sex offense" OR "sex offenses"
"sex predation"
"sex slave" OR "sex slaves" OR "sex slavery"
"sex tourism"
"sex victim" OR "sex victims"
"sex violence"
"sex with a child" OR "sex with children"
"sex with a minor" OR "sex with minors"
"sex with underaged" OR "sex with under-aged" OR "sex with underage" OR "sex with under-age"
"sex work" OR "sex worker" OR "sex workers" OR "sex working"
"sexual assault" OR "sexual assaults"
"sexual battery"
"sexual coercion"
"sexual crime" OR "sexual crimes"
"sexual exploitation"
"sexual harassment"
"sexual intimidation"
"sexual misconduct"
"sexual offender" OR "sexual offenders"
"sexual offense" OR "sexual offenses"
"sexual perpetration"
"sexual perpetrator" OR "sexual perpetrators"
"sexual predation"
"sexual predator" OR "sexual predators"
"sexual slave" OR "sexual slaves" OR "sexual slavery"
"sexual victim" OR "sexual victims" OR "sexual victimization"
"sexual violence"
"sexually abused"
"sexually abusive"
"sexually assaulted" OR "sexually assaultive"
"sexually battered"
"sexually coerced"
"sexually criminal"
"sexually exploited"
"sexually harassed" OR "sexually harassing"
"sexually inappropriate"
"sexually intimidated" OR "sexually intimidating"
"sexually offended"
"sexually perpetrated"
"sexually victimized"
"sexually violent"
"shaken baby syndrome"
"sibling abuse"
"spousal abuse" OR "spousal abused" OR "spousal abuser" OR "spousal abusers" OR "spousal abusive" OR "spousal abusiveness"
"spouse abuse" OR "spouse abused" OR "spouse abuser" OR "spouse abusers" OR "spouse abusive" OR "spouse abusiveness"
"spousal battery" OR "spouse battery"
"spousal violence" OR "spouse violence"
"stalking" OR "stalked" OR "stalk" OR "stalks" OR "stalker" OR "stalkers"
"statutory rape" OR "statutory rapes"
"substantiate" OR "substantiates" OR "substantiated" OR "substantiating"
"survive" OR "survives" OR survived" OR "surviving"
"survivor" OR survivors" OR "survivorship"
"title 9"
"title ix"
"title nine"
"trafficking and violence protection act"
"underage sex" OR "underaged sex" OR "underage sexual" OR "underaged sexual"
"under-age sex" OR "under-aged sex" OR "under-age sexual" OR "under-aged sexual"
"unhealthy relationship*"
"victim advocate*"
"violence against women"
"violence against women act" OR "VAWA"
"violence survivor" OR "violence survivors"
"wife abuse" OR "wife abused" OR "wife abusive"
"wife abuser" OR "wife abusers"
"wife battery"
"wife beating"
"wife violence"
"witness" OR "witnessed"

Keyword Terms - ADA/Disabilities

"americans with disabilities act" OR "ADA"
"assistive device*"
"assistive technolog*"
"autism" OR autistic
"barrier free design*"
"behavior* disab*"
"behavior* disorder*"
"cochlear implant*"
"developmental* disab*"
"developmentally delayed"
"emotion* disab*"
"emotion* disorder*"
"emotion* disturbed"
"hard of hearing"
"hearing aid*"
"hearing impair*"
"inclusive design*"
"insane asylum*"
"learning disab*"
"learning disorder*"
"legally blind"
"life span design"
"lifespan design"
"low vision"
"mental* disab*""
"mental disorder*"
"mental facilit*"
"mental hospital*"
"mental institution*"
"mental* retard*"
"mobility aids"
"mobility equipment"
"neurocognitive differences"
"neurodivergent" OR "neurodivergence"
"on the spectrum"
"person with a disability"
"physical disabilit*"
"physically challenged"
"physically disable*"
"reading disab*"
"reading disorder*"
"special needs"
"text reader*"
"trans generational design*"
"transgenerational design*"
"universal design*"
"vision disab*"
"vision disorder*"
"vision loss"
"visual* disab*"
"visual disorder*"
"visual* loss"

Keyword Terms - Adapting/Immigrant

"asylum seeker*"
"boat people"
"cultural* adapt*"
"cultural assistance"
"cultural attitudes"
"cultural beliefs"
"cultural* conflict*"
"cultural customs"
"cultural disharmony"
"cultural dissonance"
"cultural expectations"
"cultural health beliefs"
"cultural identity"
"cultural influence*"
"cultural issues"
"cultural literacy"
"cultural needs"
"cultural norms"
"cultural* orientation*"
"cultural practice*"
"cultural problems"
"cultural sensitivit*"
"cultural* stress*"
"cultural struggles"
"cultural tradition*"
"cultural values"
"cultural variation*"
"cultural view*"
"cultural viewpoint*"
"culture learning"
"displaced people"
"displaced person"
"forcibly displaced"
"foreign born" OR foreignborn
"green card"
"guest worker*"
"humanitarian entrant*"
"humanitarian settlement"
"identity problem*"
"illegal alien*"
"illegal immigrant*"
"inter-cultural communicat*"
"intercultural communicat*"
"internally displaced"
"legal immigrant*"
"new american*"
"newly arrived"
"traveling alone"
"unauthorized worker*"
"undocumented alien*"
"undocumented immigrant*"
"undocumented people"
"undocumented person*"
"undocumented status"
"undocumented worker*"

Keyword Terms - Addiction

"aa" OR "alcoholics anonymous"
"abstain" OR "abstains" OR "abstained" OR "abstaining"
"alcohol abuse*"
"alcohol use disorder" OR "AUD"
"Alcohol or Other Drug" OR "AOD"
"alcoholics anonymous"
"bath crystals"
"bath salts"
"binge drinking"
"chemical abuse*"
"chemical abuse counseling"
"chemical abuse recovery"
"chemical abuse rehab*"
"chemical abuse treatment"
"chemical dependenc*"
"chemical use"
"chewing tobacco"
"crack" OR "cocaine"
"designer drugs"
"drink and drive"
"drinking and driving"
"drinking problems"
"driving under the influence" OR "DUI"
"driving while drunk"
"driving while intoxicated" OR "DWI"
"drug abuse*"
"drug abuse counseling"
"drug abuse recovery"
"drug abuse rehab*"
"drug abuse treatment"
"drug counseling"
"drug crimes"
"drug deal*"
"drug dependenc*"
"drug defendant"
"drug habit*"
"drug misuse"
"drug offender*"
"drug offense*"
"drug overdose*"
"drug possession"
"drug problem"
"drug recovery"
"drug rehab*"
"drug traffic*"
"drug use"
"drug user*"
"drunk driver*"
"drunk driving"
"electronic cigarette*"
"electronic nicotine delivery system"
"fentanyl" OR fentanil OR phentanyl
"game addiction"
"gaming addiction"
"gaming disorder"
"gaming problem"
"gateway drug"
"glue sniffing" OR "sniffing glue"
"hooka*" OR "shisha"
"illegal drug use"
"illegal drugs"
"illicit drugs"
"lsd" OR "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide"
"meth" OR "methamphetamine*"
"narcotics anonymous"
"nicotine gum"
"nicotine lozenges"
"nicotine patch"
"nicotine spray"
"nicotine transdermal patch"
"nondrinker" OR "nondrinkers" OR "non-drinker" OR "non-drinkers"
"nondrinking" OR "non-drinking"
"opioids" OR opiate OR opium
"overdose" OR overdoses
"pain killers"
"pain pills"
"pipe smoking"
"problem drinking"
"problematic gaming"
"recovery group*"
"smokeless tobacco"
"snus"  [smokeless tobacco]
"street drugs"
"strung out"
"substance abuse*"
"substance abuse counseling"
"substance abuse recovery"
"substance abuse rehab*"
"substance abuse treatment center*"
"substance dependenc*"
"substance disorder*"
"substance misuse"
"substance problems"
"substance related disorder*"
"substance use"
"substance withdrawal"
"support group*"
"twelve step program*"
"12-step program*"
"vaping" OR "vape" OR "vapes" OR "vaped"

Keyword Terms - Agency

"agency donor*"
"agency sponsor*"
"cbo" OR "community based organization" OR "community based organization"
"cbos" OR "community based organizations" OR "community based organizations"
"citizen volunteer*"
"civic community"
"civic volunteer*"
"community based organization*"
"community based organization*"
"community supporter*"
"community volunteer*"
"faith based organization*" OR "FBO"
"faith based organization*"
"fourth generation NGOs"
"human service organization*"
"human services"
"igo" OR "inter-governmental organization" OR "inter-governmental organization"
"igo" OR "intergovernmental organization" OR "intergovernmental organization"
"igos" OR "inter-governmental organizations" OR "inter-governmental organizations"
"igos" OR "intergovernmental organizations" OR "intergovernmental organizations"
"inpo" OR "international nonprofit organization" OR "international nonprofit organization"
"inpo" OR "international non-profit organization" OR "international non-profit organization"
"inpos" OR "international nonprofit organizations" OR "international nonprofit organizations"
"inpos" OR "international non-profit organizations" OR "international non-profit organizations"
"Intergenerational shared-site organization*" OR "IGSS"
"inter-governmental organization*"
"intergovernmental organization*"
"inter-governmental organization*"
"intergovernmental organization*"
"international nonprofit organization*"
"international nonprofit organization*"
"international non-profit organization*"
"international non-profit organization*"
"neighborhood group*"
"neighborhood organization*"
"neighborhood organization*"
"neighborhood volunteer*"
"neighbourhood group*"
"neighbourhood organization*"
"neighbourhood organization*"
"neighbourhood volunteer*"
"nfp" OR "not-for-profit"
"ngdo" OR "nongovernmental development organization" OR "nongovernmental development organization"
"ngdo" OR "non-governmental development organization" OR "non-governmental development organization"
"ngdos" OR "nongovernmental development organizations" OR "nongovernmental development organizations"
"ngdos" OR "non-governmental development organizations" OR "non-governmental development organizations"
"ngo" OR "nongovernmental organization" OR "nongovernmental organization"
"ngo" OR "non-governmental organization" OR "non-governmental organization"
"ngos" OR "nongovernmental organizations" OR "nongovernmental organizations"
"ngos" OR "non-governmental organizations" OR "non-governmental organizations"
"nio" OR "nonprofit international organization*" OR "nonprofit international organization*"
"nio" OR "non-profit international organization*" OR "non-profit international organization*"
"non governmental development organization*"
"nongovernmental development organization*"
"non governmental development organization*"
"nongovernmental development organization*"
"non governmental organization*"
"nongovernmental organization*"
"non governmental organization*"
"nongovernmental organization*"
"nonprofit organization*"
"nonprofit organization*"
"non-profit organization*"
"non-profit organization*"
"npo" OR "npos" OR "nonprofit organization*" OR "nonprofit organization*" OR "non-profit organization*" OR "non-profit organization*"
philanthropy see the Philanthropy box
"ppp" OR "public private partnership"
"private public partnership*"
"public private partnership*"
"public service*"
"service organization*"
"service organization*"
"small and medium enterprises"
"small-to-medium-sized enterprises"
"sme" OR "small-to-medium-sized enterprises"
"sme" OR "small and medium enterprises"
"social advocacy organization*"
"social agencies"
"social agency"
"social economy"
"social purpose organization*" 
"social purpose organization*" 
"social service*"
"social services"
"social welfare"
"social work*"
"spo" OR "social purpose organization" OR "social purpose organization"
"spos" OR "social purpose organizations" OR "social purpose organizations"
"third sector"
"welfare agencies"
"welfare agency"
"welfare organization*"
"welfare organization*"

Keyword Terms - Ages

For older adults, see the box: Elderly
"1st grader*"
"baby boom generation*"
"baby boomer*"
"boy" OR "boys"
"boy scout*"
"college age"
"college aged"
"college student*"
"dependent" OR "dependents"
"early adolescence"
"early adulthood"
"early childhood"
elderly see the Elderly box
"elementary school student*"
"elementary schooler*"
"emerging adult*"
"first grader*"
"generation alpha"
"generation x"
"generation y"
"generation z"
"girl scout*"
"grade school student*"
"grade schooler*"
"grammar schooler*"
"grandbaby" OR "grandbabies"
"high school student*"
"high schooler*"
"infant" OR "infants"
"junior high student*"
"junior high schooler*"
"kid" OR "kids"
"late adolescence"
"late adulthood"
"life course" OR "lifecourse"
"life span" OR "lifespan"
"midcareer" OR "mid career"
"middle adolescence"
"middle adulthood"
"middle age" OR "middle aged"
"middle childhood"
"middle school student*"
"middle schooler*"
"midlife" OR "mid-life"
"minor" OR "minors"
"next generational"
"nursery schooler*"
"orphan" OR "orphans"
"post menopaus*" OR "postmenopaus*"
"pre adolescen*"
"preschooler*" OR "pre schooler*"
"preteen*" OR "pre teen*"
"primary grade schooler*"
"primary grade student*"
"queer spawn*"
"retired people"
"retired person*"
"school aged"
"school student"
"secondary school student*"
"senior high schooler*"
"senior high student*"
"stepchild*" OR "step child*"
"stepdaughter*" OR "step daughter*"
"stepson*" OR "step son" OR "step sons"
"under five"
"young adult*"
"young child*"
"young men"
"young women"

Keyword Terms - Artificial Intelligence

"AI application" OR "AI applications"  
"AI based"  
"AI decision making" OR "AI decisionmaking"  
"AI Emotion Detection"  
"AI enabled"  
"AI Speech Recognition"  
"AI suggestion tool" OR "AI suggestion tools"  
"AI suggestions tool" OR "AI suggestions tools"
"AI technology" OR "AI technologies"  
"AI tool" OR "AI tools"  
"AI trained"
"Android robot" OR "android robots"  
"Artificial intelligence"  
"artificial neural network*"
"Automated case management"  
"Automated decision making" OR "automated decisionmaking"  
"Automated diagnosis"  
"Automated facial identity recognition"  
"Automated facial recognition"  
"Automated pattern recognition"  
"Automated speech recognition"
"Automatic speaker recognition"
"Automatic speech recognition"
"Automation of case management"
"Automation of decision making" OR "automation of decisionmaking"
"Autonomous auto" OR "autonomous autos"  
"Autonomous automobile" OR "autonomous automobiles"
"Autonomous car" OR "autonomous cars"  
"Autonomous vehicle" OR "autonomous vehicles"  
"Bard" OR ChatGPT" OR "Claude" OR "Copilot" OR "Descript" OR "Gemini" OR "Llama" OR "Perplexity"
"Capsule neural network" OR "capsule neural networks"  
"Chatbot" OR "Chatbots"  
"Companion Robot" OR "Companion Robots"  
"Computational intelligence"  
"Computational Neural Network" OR "Computational Neural Networks"
"Computational reinforcement learning"  
"Computer aided vision systems"  
"Computer assisted diagnosis"  
"Computer Heuristics"
"Computer Knowledge Acquisition"  
"Computer Knowledge Representation"  
"Computer linguistics"  
"Computer Neural Network" OR "Computer Neural Networks"  
"Computer pattern recognition"  
"Computer reasoning"  
"Computer vision"  
"Connectionist Model" OR "Connectionist Models"
"Conversational agent" OR "Conversational agents"
"Convolutional neural network" OR "convolutional neural networks"  
"deep dream generator"  
"Deep learning"  
"Deep neural network" OR "deep neural networks"  
"driverless auto" OR "driverless autos"  
"driverless automobile" OR "driverless automobiles"  
"Driverless car" OR "driverless cars"  
"driverless vehicle" OR "driverless vehicles"  
"Emotion detection AI"  
"Expert Systems"
"Extreme learning machine"
"Facial recognition AI"  
"Facial recognition technology" OR "facial recognition technologies"  
"Fuzzy Logic"  
"Fuzzy neural network" OR "fuzzy neural networks"  
"Generative adversarial network" OR "generative adversarial networks"  
"Generative AI"  
"Generative pre-trained transformer"
"Google assistant"
"Hierarchical Learning"  
"Humanoid Robot" OR "Humanoid Robots"
"Inductive logic programming"  
"Intelligent agent" OR "Intelligent agents"  
"Intelligent personal agent" OR "intelligent personal agents"  
"Intelligent personal assistant" OR "intelligent personal assistants"  
"Knowledge Acquisition Computers"  
"Knowledge Based Systems"  
"large language learning model" OR "large language learning models" OR "LLM" OR "LLMs"
"large language models"  
"Learning from Labeled Data"  
"Machine intelligence"  
"Machine learning"  
"Machine translation"  
"Machine vision"  
"Natural language processing" OR "Natural Language Processings"  
"Neural network analysis"  
"Neural Network Computational"  
"Neural Network Computer" OR "neural networks computer"  
"Neural network model" OR "neural network models"  
"Neuromorphic computing system" OR "neuromorphic computing systems"  
"Opinion Mining"  
"Pattern Recognition System" OR "Pattern Recognition Systems"  
"Perceptron" OR "Perceptrons"  
"Predictive AI"  
"Predictive analysis"  
"predictive text"  
"prompt construction"  
"prompt engineering"  
"Recurrent neural network" OR "Recurrent Neural Networks"  
"Self driving auto" OR "self driving autos"  
"Self driving automobile" OR "self driving automobiles"  
"Self driving car" OR "self driving cars"  
"Self driving vehicle" OR "self driving vehicles"  
"Sentiment analysis" OR "Sentiment Analyses"  
"Shallow neural network" OR "shallow neural networks"  
"Social Robot" OR "social robots"  
"Social robotics"  
"Socially Assistive Robot" OR "Socially Assistive Robots"
"Speech recognition AI"  
"Speech synthesizer" OR "speech synthesizers"  
"Speech to text technology" OR "Speech to Text Technologies"  
"Spiking neural network" OR "spiking neural networks"  
"spoken dialog system" OR "spoken dialog systems" OR "SDSs"  
"Stable Diffusion"
"Supervised learning"  
"Support vector machine" OR "Support Vector Machines"  
"Support Vector Network" OR "Support Vector Networks"
"Text prediction" OR "text predictions"
"text to speech synthesizer" OR "text to speech synthesizers"
"text to speech technology" OR "text to speech technologies"
"Transfer Learning"
"Unsupervised learning"
"Voice activated"
"Voice assistant" OR "voice assistants"
"voice enabled"

Keyword Terms - Arts

"band leader*"
"band member*"
“barbershop quartet*”
"broadway show*"
"chamber music*"
"chamber orchestra*"
“commercial art*”
"concert master*" OR concertmaster
"fashion industry"
"graffiti artist*"
"graphic artist*"
“graphical arts”
"jam fest*"
"jewelry making" OR "jewelry maker*"
"lead performer*"
"lead singer*"
“magic show*”
"man of letters"
"motion picture*"
"multi media"
"musical group*"
"musical theater"
"musical theatre"
“non attendee*”
“non attender*”
“non goer*”
“non user*”
“non visitor*”
“on loan”
"performance art"
“performing arts”
philanthropy see the Philanthropy box
“poetry reading”
"public performance*"
“puppet show*”
"screen writer*"
"sheet music"
"street artist*"
"street musician*"
"street performer*"
“student production*”
"tap dancing"
“visual arts”

Keyword Terms - Attitude


Keyword Terms - Barriers

"roadblock*" OR "road block" OR "road blocks"
"stumbling block*"

Keyword Terms - Built Environment

"abandoned buildings"
"abandoned property"
"access to healthy food"
"built environment"
"city construction"
"city design*"
"city planning"
"community garden*"
"deteriorating buildings"
"empty buildings"
"environment design"
"environmental design*"
"environmental planning"
"food desert"
"green space*"
"healthy food access"
"land use planning"
"landscape architecture"
"neighborhood environment"
"neighbourhood environment"
"neighborhood safety"
"physical activity environment"
"physical condition"
"physical environment"
"physical structure*"
"social environment"
"transportation system*"
"urban construction"
"urban design*"
"urban health"
"urban planning"
"vacant buildings"
"vacant property"
"walkable environment"
"activities based work*"
"activity based flexible office*"
"activity based work*"
"blue print*"
"collaborative office*"
"collaborative workspace*"
"conference room*"
"co-working space*"
"coworking space*"
"desk sharing"
"flex office*"
"flexible workspace*"
"floor plan*"
"floor plate*"
"hot desking"
"meeting room*"
"shared workspace*"
"space planning"
"space use"
"warm desking"
"work desk*"
"work space*"
"work station*"

Keyword Terms - Bullying

"anti bully*"
"bus bullies"
"bus bully*"
"computer bullies"
"computer bully*"
"cyber bullie*"
"cyber bully*"
"digital bullies"
"digital bully*"
"electronic bullies"
"electronic bully*"
"facebook bullies"
"facebook bully*"
"internet bullies"
"internet bully*"
"lunchroom bullies"
"lunchroom bully*"
"myspace bullies"
"myspace bully*"
"online bullies"
"online bully*"
"playground bullies"
"playground bully*"
"school bullies"
"school bully*"
"social network* bullies"
"social network* bully*"
"virtual bully*"
"work place bully*"
"workplace bully*"
"worksite bully*"

Keyword Terms - Causes

"affect change*"
"preventive factor*"
"protective factor*"
"related to"
"risk factor*"

Keyword Terms - City

"block group*"
"built environment"
"business district*"
"census tract*"
"city block"
"city boundary"
"city line"
"congressional district*"
"geo location"
"green space*"
"inner city"
"local area"
"local level"
"population level"
"public property"
"public school district*"
"public spaces"
"residential area"
"school district*"
"zip code*"
agricultur* OR countryside OR "country side" OR "farm" OR "farms" OR "farming" OR farmworker* OR forest* OR "hamlet" OR "hamlets" OR “isolated communit*” OR nonmetropolitan OR "non metropolitan" OR nonurban OR “non urban” OR "ranch" OR "ranches" OR ranching OR ranchworker* OR “remote area” OR “remote areas” OR rural* OR "sparsely populated" OR "town" OR "towns" OR village* 

Keyword Terms - Communication

"bulletin board"
"business communicat*"
"business writing*"
"carrier pigeon"
"cell phone"
"cellular phone"
"cochlear implant"
"complaint card"
"cordless phone"
"electronic communicat*"
"fingersnaps" OR "finger snaps" OR "finger snapping"
"flashing lights"
"hearing aid"
"information & communication technology" OR "ICT"
"informing" OR informed OR informs OR inform
"interpersonal communicat*"
"interpersonal relation*"
"joke" OR jokes OR joked OR joking
"miming" OR mimes OR mimed
"mobile phone"
"morse code"
"non verbal communicat*"
"nonverbal communicat*"
"notifies" OR notified
"notify" OR notifying
"online communicat*"
"online etiquette"
"oral communication"
"personal story"
"phone call"
"phoned" OR phones OR phone OR phoning
"post" OR "posts" OR "posted" OR "posting"
"printed work*"
"professional communicat*"
"psa" OR "public service announcement" OR "psas" OR "public service announcements"
"public address system"
"public service announcement"
"read" OR reads
"response card"
"satellite phone"
"satisfaction card"
"short message service" OR "SMS"
"sign language*"
"signing" OR sign OR signs OR signed
"smart phone"
"smile" OR smiles OR smiled OR smiling
"story tell*"
"suggestion card"
"television" OR "TV"
"text messag*"
"texted" OR text OR texts
"voice mail"
"walkie talkies"
"wireless communication"
"wireless network"
"write*" OR writes

Keyword Terms - Community Development

SEE ALSO the Social Engagement box
"asset based"
"asset building"
"capacity building"
"cash transfer*"
"cbo" OR "community based organization" OR "community based organization"
"cbos" OR "community based organizations" OR "community based organizations"
"cdc" OR "community development corporation" OR "cdcs" OR "community development corporations"
"choice neighborhoods"
"civil society organization*"
"civil society organization*"
"center for social development"
"community based organi*"
"community building"
"community development"
"community development corporation*"
"community initiative*"
"community organization*"
"community organization*"
"community organising"
"community organizing"
"community rejuvination"
"community revitalization"
"community social development"
"consumer economics"
"credit building"
"csd" OR "community social development"
"cso" OR "community social organization" OR "community social organization"
"csos" OR "community social organizations" OR "community social organizations"
"development program*"
"economic achievement"
"economic adaptation"
"economic attainment"
“economic autonomy”
"economic control"
"economic decisionmaking" OR "economic decision making"
"economic development"
"economic empowerment"
"economic enfranchisement"
"economic incorporation"
“economic independence”
"economic integration"
"economic mobility"
"economic power"
"economic resiliency"
"economic resources"
"economic security"
“economic self-control”
“economic self-efficacy”
“economic self-reliance”
“economic self-sufficiency”
"economic success"
"economic voice"
"economic wellbeing" OR "economic well being"
“economically empowered”
"empowerment zones"
"enterprise zones"
"financial autonomy"
"financial empowerment"
"financial independence"
"financial integration"
"financial power"
"financial strength*"
"financial success"
"foreign aid"
"gender development"
"group lending"
"historic tax credit*"
"household economics"
"human capital"
"investment building"
"low income housing tax credit"
"matched saving* plan"
"micro business*"
"micro capitalism"
"micro credit"
"micro enterprise*"
"micro entrepreneur*"
"micro financ*"
"micro lending"
"needs based"
"neighborhood rejuvination"
"neighborhood revitalization
"neighborhood stabilization"
"new markets tax credit"
"non governmental development organi*" OR "ngdo" OR "ngdos"
"nongovernmental development organi*" OR "ngdo" OR "ngdos"
"non governmental organi*" OR "ngo" OR "ngos"
"nongovernmental organi*" OR "ngo" OR "ngos"
"private sector"
"promise neighborhoods"
"regional development"
"sed" OR "social economic development*"
"skills training"
"social capacity"
"social capital"
"social economic development"
"social enterprise*"
"social entrepreneur*"
"social support network"
“socioeconomic empowerment”
"sustainable development*"
"tax increment financing"
"technical assistance"
"wealth building"

Keyword Terms - Conference

"continuing education"
"cyber seminar*"
"hospitality room*"
"in service*"
"livestream*" OR "live stream*"
"online conference*"
"online learning"
"online training"
"panel discussion*"
"poster presentation"
"poster session*"
"pre register*"
"professional development"
"recorded video"
"screen cast*"
"streaming video*"
"video cast*"
"video streaming"
"virtual conference*"
"virtual learning"
"virtual seminar*"
"web conference*"

Keyword Terms - Costs/Financial

For a comprehensive list of terms, please consult
the Business Source Complete database's thesaurus.

"annual report*"
"asset building"
"asset depletion"
"asset exhaustion"
"asset insecurity"
"balance sheet"
"bank account*"
"capital expenses"
"cash transfer*"
"consumer counseling"
"consumer economics"
"consumer financ*"
"consumptive spending"
"credit counseling"
"distressed family"
"distressed household"
"economic hardship*"
"family distress"
"financial counseling"
"financial* distress*"
"financial fragility"
financial literacy see the Financial Literacy box
"financial strain"
"financial stress"
"financial vulnerability"
"fiscal management"
"group lending"
"home economics"
"home management"
"household budget*"
"household distress"
"household economic*"
"household financ*"
"internal revenue service*"
"labor market" OR "labour market"
"lending circles"
"material crisis"
"material deprivation"
"material hardship*"
"money management"
"money mismanagement"
"net worth"
"over spend*"
"personal financ*"
philanthropy see the Philanthropy box
poverty see the Poverty box
"saving circle"
"saving plans"
"saving* programs"
"tax return*"

Keyword Terms - Crime

For a comprehensive list of terms, please consult the
National Criminal Justice Reference Service database's thesaurus.
"alternate punishment*"
"alternative punishment*"
"alternative* to imprisonment"
"alternative* to incarceration"
"alternative to institutionalization"
"alternatives to institutionalizing"
"arrest policies"
"casa" OR "Court Appointed Special Advocate"
"cell mate*"
"civil court*"
"coming home"
"community-based correctional"
"community-based corrections"
"community-based sanctions"
"community control program*"
"community integration"
"community prosecution"
"community reentry"
"community reintegration"
"community re-integration"
"community service"
"community supervision"
"conjugal rights"
"convict" (noun)
"convict" (verb)
"correctional facility"
"correctional institution*"
"correctional options"
"correctional population"
"correctional rehabilitation"
"correctional system*"
"corrections system"
"court acceptance"
"court appointed"
"court appointed special advocates"
"court involved"
"court ordered"
"court review"
"court reviews"
"criminal court*"
"criminal justice"
"criminal justice system*"
"detention facilit*"
"diversion at sentencing"
"divert at sentencing"
"dna" OR "Deoxyribonucleic Acid"
"drug court*"
"early releas*"
"electronic monitoring"
"eye witness*"
"eye witness testimony"
"family court*"
"federal prison*"
"finger prints"
"frontend" OR "front end"
"halfway house*" OR "halfway housing"
"holding cell" OR "holding cells"
"home confinement"
"house arrest"
"informal handling"
"intensive probation"
"intensive supervision"
"jail mate*"
"judicial discretion"
"judicial system*"
"justice involved"
"justice system*"
"juvenile detention"
"lawyer* up"
"local jail*"
"lock up"
"miranda rights"
"off for good behavior"
"parole board*"
"parole officer*"
"plea bargain*"
"post arrest"
"post incarceration"
"post parole"
"post release"
"pre release"
"prison release"
"problem solving court"
"problem solving courts"
"prosecutorial discretion"
"public defender*"
"repeat offender*"
"residential integration"
"residential reentry"
"residential reintegration"
"restorative justice"
"return* home"
"return* to prison*"
"return* to the community"
"re-victimiz*" OR "re-victimis*"
"revictimiz*" OR "revictimis*"
"served time"
"small claims court"
"special* court"
"special* courts"
"state prison*"
"three strikes and you're out" OR "three strikes and you are out"
"three strikes you're out" OR "three strikes you are out"
"time served"
"truth in sentencing"
"victimize*" OR victimise* OR victimizing OR victimising

Keyword Terms - Death

"advance directive*"
"androcide"  (kill male)
"assisted suicid*"
"bury" OR burying
"death care industry"
"death doulas"
"death notice" OR "death notices"
"death ritual*"
"died" OR dies OR die
"dnr" OR "do not resuscitate"
"do not resuscitate"
"durable power of attorney"
"estate planning"
"eulogy" OR "eulogies"
"execute" OR "executes"
"executioner" OR "executioners"
"familicide"  (kill family)
"femicide"  (kill female)
"feticide"  (kill fetus)
"filial bereav*" (child grieving loss of a parent)
"filicide"  (kill son or daughter)
"fratricide*"  (kill sibling)
"gendercide"  (kill a specific sex)
"infanticide"  (kill infant/baby)
"kill" OR "killed" OR "killing" OR "kills"
"killed himself" OR "killed herself" OR "took his life" OR "took his own life" OR "took her life" OR "took her own life" OR "killed themselves" OR "took their own life"
"last rights"
"life course"
"life insurance"
"life span"
"life support"
"living trust"
"living will"
"mariticide"  (kill husband)
"matricide"  (kill mother)
"medical directive*"
"mercy killing"
"murder victim*"
"obituary" OR "obituaries"
"organ donat*"
"organ donor*"
"parenticide"  (kill parent)
"parricide"  (kill close relative)
"patricide"  (kill father)
"sororicide"  (kill sister)
"suicide survivor*"
"surviving spous*"
"terminal illness*"
"terminally ill"
"uxoricide"  (kill wife)

Keyword Terms - Disaster

"dropped out"
"dust devil*"
"dust storm*"
"explode" OR explodes OR exploded OR exploding
"federal emergency management agency" OR "FEMA"
"follow up"
"gale force*"
"hold off"
"in the middle of"
"in the midst of"
"in progress"
"on hold"
"pick up"
"post traumatic"
"post traumatic stress disorder*"
"posttraumatic stress disorder*"
"ptsd" OR "post-traumatic stress disorder*" OR "posttraumatic stress disorder*"
"push back"
"run late"
"starvation" OR starve OR starves OR starved OR starving
"terror attack*"
"war" OR wars
"water spout*"
"wind damage*"

Keyword Terms - Diversity

see also for transgender words:
see also LGBTQIA Resource Center Glossary:
"african american*"
"african ancestry"
"african descent"
"african diaspora"
"afro american*" OR "afroamerican*"
"asian american*"
"black" OR "blacks"
"black, indigenous, and other people of color" OR "BIPOC"
"cross cultural*" OR "crosscultural*"
"cross national*" OR "crossnational*"
"cultural adaptation"
"cultural competence*"
"cultural diversity"
"cultural literacy"
"cultural sensitivity"
"DEI" OR "diversity, equity, and inclusion"
"EDI" OR "equity, diversity, and inclusion"
"EDIB" OR "equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging"
"european american*"
gender SEE the Gender Box
"inclusion, diversity, equity, and access" OR "IDEA"
indigenous SEE the Native Box
"intercountry" OR "inter-country"
"inter-cultural*" OR "intercultural*"
"inter-ethnic*" OR "interethnic*"
"inter-marriage*" OR "intermarriage*"
"inter-racial*" OR "interracial*"
"inter-religious*" OR "interreligious*"
"lgbt" OR "lesbian gay bisexual transgender*"
"lgbtq" OR "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning"
"lgbtqi" OR "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex"
"lgbtqia" OR "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, ally" OR "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, asexual"
"lgbtiqq" OR "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning"
"men attracted to men"
"men who have sex with men"
"mexican american*"
"mixed couple*"
"mixed marriage*"
"mixed race*"
"multi-cultural*" OR "multicultural*"
"multi-ethnic*" OR "multiethnic*"
"multi-racial*" OR "multiracial*"
native see the Native Box
"neurodivergent" OR "neurodivergence"
"neurodiverse" OR "neurodiversity"
"out-group marriage*"
"people of color"
"race" OR "races"
"race power equity and justice" OR "RPEJ"
"same sex attracted men" OR "SSAM"
"same sex attracted women" OR "SSAW"
"sexual and gender minority youth"  OR "SGMY"
"sexual minority"
"sexual orientation"
"sexually variant"
"trans-continental*" OR "transcontinental*"
"trans-cultural*" OR "transcultural*"
"trans-gender*" OR "transgender*"
"transman" OR "trans man"
"transmen" OR "trans men"
"trans-national*" OR "transnational*"
"trans-racial*" OR "transracial*"
"trans sexual*" OR "transsexual*"
"trans woman" OR "transwoman"
"trans women" OR "transwomen"
"under privileged" OR "underprivileged"
"under represented" OR "underrepresented"
"white" OR "whites"
"women attracted to women"
"women who have sex with women"

Keyword Terms - EBP Evidence-Based Practice

"best practice*"
"best strategies"
"campbell collaboration"
"clinical trial*"
"controlled trial*"
"counseling" OR counselling
"ebp" OR "evidence based practice"
"educational material*"
"empirically supported treatment*"
"evidence based"
"evidence based intervention*"
"evidence based medicine"
"evidence based practice"
"evidence based treatment*"
"experimentally proven"
"experimentally validated"
"follow through"
"follow up"
"gold standard*"
"group counseling" OR "group counselling"
"group work"
"home visit*"
"informational handout"
"inservice" OR "in service"
"instructional handout"
"instructional material*"
"interview questions"
"lesson plan" OR "lesson plans"
"lessons learned"
"meta analysis"
"model program"
"peer support"
"pilot study"
"population size"
"postvention" OR "post vention"
"professional development"
"sample population*"
"sample size"
"scientific evidence"
"scientifically proven"
"scientifically validated"
"self-help group"
"statistical significance"
"support group"
"systematic review*"
"theory based practice*"
"validated practice*"
"action research"
"between groups design"
"case control study"
"case report"
"case reports"
"case studies"
"case study"
"causal analysis"
"clinical case study"
"clinical conference"
"clinical studies"
"clinical study"
"clinical trial"
"clinical trials"
"cohort analysis"
"cohort study"
"comparative study"
"consensus development conference"
"controlled before after study"
"controlled clinical trial"
"controlled trial"
"controlled trials"
"cross sectional study" OR "crosssectional study"
"empirical research"
"empirical study"
"evaluation studies"
"evaluation study"
"experimental design"
"experimental methods"
"experimental replication"
"experimental research"
"experimental study"
"feasibility study"
"field study"
"follow-up studies"
"followup studies"
"follow-up study"
"followup study"
"hypothesis testing"
"interrupted time series analysis"
"lit review"
"literature review"
"longitudinal studies"
"longitudinal study"
"meta analysis"
"meta analytic"
"meta synthesis"
"multi center studies"
"multicenter studies"
"multi center study"
"multicenter study"
"non clinical case study"
"nonclinical case study"
"null hypothesis testing"
"observation methods"
"observation study"
"participatory action research"
"pilot project"
"pilot study"
"pragmatic clinical trial"
"prospective studies"
"prospective study"
"qualitative research"
"qualitative study"
"quantitative methods"
"quantitative research"
"quantitative study"
"quasi experimental methods"
"quasiexperimental methods"
"quasi experimental research"
"quasiexperimental research"
"randomised controlled trial" OR "RCT"
"randomized controlled trial" OR "RCT"
"randomised trial"
"randomized trial"
"research study"
"retrospective studies"
"retrospective study"
"review article"
"sampling study"
"stimulus presentation methods"
"systematic review"
"twin study"
"validation studies"
"validation study"

Keyword Terms - Education

see also the ERIC database's thesaurus for complete coverage of education
"1st grade"
“1st grader*”
“5th grade center*”
"5-6 center*"
“7-8 center*”
"abroad graduate student*"
"abroad student*"
“academic achievement*”
"academic advising"
"academic affairs"
"academic aspirations"
"academic assistance"
"academic counseling"
"academic difficulty"
“academic failure*”
"academic guidance"
"academic improvement"
"academic outcomes"
“academic performance*”
"academic persistence"
"academic probation"
"academic success"
"academic support"
"academic support services"
"academic underachievement"
"act score*" OR "american college testing score*"
"act test*" OR "american college testing test*"
"admissions counseling"
"affirmative action"
"after-school activities"
"afterschool activities"
"after-school clubs"
"afterschool clubs"
"after-school program*"
"afterschool program*"
"art class*"
“art teacher*”
"at risk student*"
“bachelor's degree*”
"bachelor's program*"
“bachelors degree*”
"bachelors program*"
“bridge program*”
bully see the Bullying box
“career center*”
"career counseling" OR "career counselling"
“career counselor*” OR "career counsellor*"
“career education”
"career guidance"
“character development”
“character education”
"charter school*"
“choos* a college”
"classroom*" OR "class room"
"classroom discipline"
"classroom instruction"
"collaborative game*"
"collaborative gaming"
"collaborative learning"
“college admission*”
“college applicant*”
“college application*”
"college athlet*"
"college attendance"
“college bound”
“college choice*”
“college decision*”
“college prep”
“college preparation*”
"college preparedness"
“college readiness”
“college selection*”
“community college*”
"compulsory education"
"computer assisted instruction"
"computerized instruction" OR "computerised instruction"
"continuing education*"
"cooperative education"
"cooperative learning"
"course management system" OR "BlackBoard" OR "CANVAS"
"course reserve*"
"course work*"
"cutting class"
"dare officer"
“decid* on a college”
"disciplinary action"
"distance education"
"ditching school"
“doctoral degree*”
"doctoral education"
“doctoral program*”
"doctoral school" OR "doctoral schools"
“doctoral student*”
“doctoral study” OR "doctoral studies"
"domestic graduate student*"
"domestic student*"
“drop out*”
"dropped out"
"drug abuse resistance education officer*"
“education* achievement*”
"education* attainment*"
"education* difficulty"
"education* failure"
“education* performance*”
"education* success*"
"education* underachievement"
"educational campaign"
"educational game*
"educational gaming"
“educational mobility”
"educational presentation"
"educational program*"
"educational session"
"Elementary and Secondary Education Act"
“elementary education”
"elementary grades"
“elementary school student*”
“elementary school*”
"elementary schooler*"
english as a second language SEE the box: English as a Second Language
"every student succeeds act"
"extracurricular activit*"
"faith-based college*"
"faith-based universit*"
field education See the Field Education box
“fifth grade center*”
"first generation"
"1st generation"
“first grade*”
“first grader*”
“flunk* out”
"foreign born graduate student*"
"foreign born student*"
"foreign graduate student*"
"foreign student*"
"free lunch program*"
"game based education"
"game based learning"
"games for education"
"games for learning"
"gamified education"
"gamified learning"
"ged" OR "general equivalency diploma"
"general equivalency diploma"
"gifted program*"
"gifted student*"
"grad degree" OR "grad degrees"
"grad education"
"grad program" OR "grad programs"
"grad school" OR "grad schools"
“grad student*”
"grad study" OR "grad studies"
“grade 1”
“grade school*”
"grade schooler*"
“graduate degree*”
"graduate education"
“graduate program*”
“graduate school*”
“graduate student*”
“graduate study” OR "graduate studies"
"graduation rate*"
"grammar school*"
“grammar school student*”
“grammar schooler*”
“guidance counselor*” OR "guidance counsellor"
“gym class*”
"high risk student*"
"high school*"
“high school student*”
“high schooler*”
“higher education*”
"home schooling"
“iep” OR "individualized education plan" OR "individualized education program*" OR "individualised education plan" OR "individualised education program"
"immigrant graduate student*"
"immigrant student*"
"in loco parentis"
"independent school*"
"instructional gaming"
"instructional presentation"
"instructional session"
"international graduate student*"
"international student*"
"junior high"
“junior high school*”
"junior high schooler*"
“junior high student*”
“junior highs”
“k through 12”
“k through eight”
“k through eighth”
“k through fifth”
“k through five”
“k through six”
“k through sixth”
“k through twelfth”
“k through twelve”
“kicked out”
"lesson plans"
“life skills education”
“low achievement*”
"lower classmen"
"massive open online course" OR "MOOC"
“master's degree*”
"master's education"
“master's program*”
"master's school" OR "master's schools"
“master's student*”
“master's study” OR "master's studies"
“masters degree*”
"masters education"
“masters program*”
"masters school" OR "masters schools"
“masters student*”
“masters study” OR "masters studies"
"masters' degrees"
"masters' education*"
"masters' program*"
"masters' schools"
"masters' students"
"masters' studies"
"mcnair trio program*"
"middle school*"
“middle school student*”
"middle schooler*"
"mooc" OR "massive open online course"
“moral education”
"music class*"
“music teacher*”
“nclb” OR "no child left behind"
"non-traditional student" OR "nontraditional student"
"nurse's office"
“nursery school*”
"online classes"
"online education"
"online learning"
"online school*"
"out of school time"
"outside of school"
"oversea* graduate student*"
"oversea* student*"
"parochial education*"
"parochial school*"
peer-led see list at bottom of box
“ph.d.” OR "Doctor of Philosophy"
“phd” OR "Doctor of Philosophy"
"phd degree" OR "phd degrees"
"phd education"
"phd program" OR "phd programs" OR "phd programme*"
"phd school" OR "phd schools"
"phd student" OR "phd students"
"phd study" OR "phd studies"
"ph.d. degree" OR "ph.d. degrees"
"ph.d. education"
"ph.d. program" OR "ph.d. programs" OR "ph.d. programme*"
"ph.d. school" OR "ph.d. schools"
"ph.d. student" OR "ph.d. students"
"ph.d. study" OR "ph.d. studies"
“physical education”
“pick* a college”
"play* hookey"
"play* hooky"
“postgraduate degree*”
"post graduate degree*"
“postgraduate program*”
"post graduate program*"
“postgraduate student*”
"post graduate student*"
“postgraduate study”
"post graduate study"
"post secondary"
“preschool student*”
“pre school student*”
“pre school*”
“primary education”
“primary grade*”
“primary school*”
"primary schooler*"
“primary student*”
"professional development"
"psychoeducation*" OR "psycho education"
"public school*"
"religious school*"
"sat score*" OR "scholastic aptitude test score*"
"sat test*" OR "scholastic aptitude test"
“scholastic achievement*”
"scholastic assistance"
"scholastic aptitude test"
"scholastic counseling"
"scholastic counselling"
"scholastic difficulty"
"scholastic failure"
"scholastic guidance"
"scholastic improvement"
"scholastic outcomes"
“scholastic performance*”
"scholastic persistence"
"scholastic success"
"scholastic support"
"scholastic underachievement"
"school administration"
"school administrator*"
“school aged”
"school attendance"
"school counseling" OR "school counselling"
"school counselor*" OR "school counsellor*"
"school holding power"
"school lunch program*"
“school nurse*”
"school policy"
"school safety officer*"
“school social work*”
"school violence"
"secondary education"
“secondary grade*”
"secondary school"
"secondary schooler*"
“secondary student*”
“select* a college”
“senior high school*”
“senior high schooler*"
“seven eight grade center*”
“seventh eighth grade center*”
“sixth grade center*”
"skip* school"
"small group instruction"
"small private online courses"
"special education"
"special needs student*"
"special school district"
"SPOC" OR "small private online courses"
"standardized tests"
“student achievement*”
"student activities"
"student advising"
"student affairs"
"student assistance"
"student council"
"student development"
"student difficulty"
"student failure*"
“student health* center*”
"student health* facilit*"
"student health* service*"
"student handbook"
"student improvement"
student-led see list at bottom of box
“student mental health”
“student performance*”
"student personnel workers"
"student services"
"student success"
"student support services"
"student underachievement"
"student welfare"
"students from abroad"
"support services"
"technical school*"
"technology assisted instruction"
"technology assisted instruction and intervention" OR "TAII"
"tertiary education"
"title 9"
"title ix"
"title nine"
"trade school"
“transitional program*”
"trio program*"
"underachievement" OR "under achieve*"
"underclassmen" OR "under classmen"
“undergraduate*” OR "under graduate*"
"unstructured play"
"upperclassmen" OR "upper classmen"
"upward bound"
"virtual education"
"virtual instruction"
"virtual learning"
“vocational education”
"vocational school*"
"vocational training"
“zero tolerance”
“peer led” OR “peer facilitat*” OR “peer trainer*” OR “peer leader*” OR “peer student facilitat*” OR “peer run” OR “peer educator*” OR “peer to peer” OR "peer coach*" OR “peer counseling” OR "peer counselling" OR “peer counselor*” OR "peer counsellor*" OR “peer mentor*” OR “peer session” OR “peer sessions” OR “peer moderat*” OR “peer navigator*” OR “peer delivered” OR "peer specialist*" OR "peer supporter*" OR “peer teaching” OR “peer teacher*” OR “peer instructor*” OR “peer instruction” OR “student led” OR “student facilitat*” OR “student trainer*” OR “student leader*” OR “student run” OR “student educator*” OR “student to student” OR “student counseling” OR "student counselling" OR “student counselor*” OR "student counsellor*" OR “student mentor*” OR “student session” OR “student sessions” OR “student moderat*” OR “student navigator*” OR “student delivered” OR “student teaching” OR “student teacher*” OR “student instructor*” OR “student instruction”

training OR trainings OR discussion OR discussions OR learning OR intervention OR interventions OR education* OR program* OR project OR projects OR initiative OR initiatives OR workshop OR workshops OR class OR course OR curriculum OR curricula OR tutorial OR tutorials OR session OR sessions OR lesson OR lessons OR simulation OR simulations OR seminar OR seminars OR "informational handout" OR instruction* OR dialog OR dialogs OR dialogue OR dialogues OR forum OR forums OR meeting OR meetings OR conversation OR conversations OR presentation OR presentations OR inservice OR inservices OR “in-service” OR “in-services” OR psychoeducation OR "psycho education" OR roundtable OR "round table" OR symposium*

Keyword Terms - Elderly

"aarp" OR "american association of retired persons"
"accessory dwelling units" OR "ADUs"
"active adult community"
"adult day care"
"adult daycare"
"advanced directive*"
"age friendly"
"age in place"
"aged care"
"ageing in place"
"aging at home"
"aging in place"
"assisted and independent living communities" OR "AIC" OR "AICs"
"assisted living"
"backyard homes"
"became old"
"became older"
"becoming older"
"caregiver*" OR "care giver" OR "care givers"
"caregiving" OR "care giving"
"caretaker" OR "caretakers" OR "care taker" OR "care takers"
"caretaking" OR "care taking"
"cognitive*" N3 declin*
"cognitive*" N3 deteriorat*
"cognitive*" N3 impair*
"community dwelling"
"community living"
"continuing care retirement community" OR "CCRC" OR "CCRCs"
death see the Death box
"delivered meals"
"durable power of attorney"
"elder abuse*"
"elder cottage housing opportunity"
"encore life course stage"
"falling down"
"fell down"
"getting older"
"granny pods"  (note: this is housing)
"grew old"
"grew older"
"group home*"
"grow old"
"growing older"
"healthcare power of attorney"
"healthcare proxy"
"home care services"
"home* for the aged"
"home within a home"
"house sharing"
"in-home care" OR "inhome care"
"in-law units" OR "inlaw units"  (note: this is housing)
"independent living"
"Intergenerational shared-site organization*" OR "IGSS" OR "inter generational shared site organization*"
"Intergenerational shared-site organization*" OR "IGSS" OR "inter generational shared site organization*"
"late adulthood"
"late life"
"later life"
"life long housing"
"lifelong housing"
"living alone"
"living will*"
"long term care"
"longterm care"
"meals on wheels"
"medical power of attorney"
"mental*" N3 declin*
"mental*" N3 deteriorat*
"mental*" N3 impair*
"multi-ability, generational, inclusive communities"
"multigenerational homes" OR "multi generational homes"
"multigenerational housing" OR "multi generational housing"
"naturally occurring retirement community" OR "NORC"
"nursing home*"
"nursing home resident*"
"old age"
"older adult*"
"older people*"
"older person*"
"post menopaus*" OR "postmenopaus*"
"retirement community"
"senior adult*"
"senior center*"
"senior citizen*"
"senior living community"
"silent generation"
"skilled nursing"
"social security"
"surviving spous*"
"third age"

Keyword Terms - Elected

"absentee ballot"
"alderperson" OR "alder person"
"alderwoman" OR "alder woman"
"alderwomen" OR "alder women"
"cast a ballot"
"city council"
"civil servant*"
"committee chairman"
"committee chairwoman"
"congressperson" OR "congress person"
"congresswoman" OR "congress woman"
"congresswomen" OR "congress women"
"councilperson" OR "council person"
"councilwoman" OR "council woman"
"councilwomen" OR "council women"
"county council"
"county executive"
"early voting"
"elected official*"
"electoral college*"
"majority leader"
"minority leader"
"opposition parties"
"party affiliation*"
"party leader*"
"political appointee*"
"political parties"
"political party"
"polling place*"
"popular vote"
"public official*"
"public servant*"
"school board*"
"senate pro tempore"
"speaker of the house"

Keyword Terms - Empowerment

"decision making"
"power differences"
"power disadvantage"
"power disparities"
"power dynamics"
"power imbalance"
"power inequalities"
"power inequities"
"power relationship"
"self determination"
"self efficacy"

Keyword Terms - English as a Second Language

"emergent bilinguals"
"english as a foreign language" OR "EFL"
"english as a new language"
"english as a second language" OR "ESL"
"english as an additional language"
"english as the medium of instruction"
"english for academic and professional purposes" OR "EAPP"
"english for academic or research purposes"
"english for academic purposes" OR "EAP"
"english for academic research purposes"
"English for speakers of other languages" OR "ESOL"
"english for specific purpose"
"english language learner*" OR "ELL"
"english language program*"
"english language support program*" OR "ELSP"
"foreign language education"
"foreign language learning"
"foreign second language"
"foreign speaker"
"foreign speakers"
"immersion program*"
"international non-english-speaking background" OR "NESB"
"limited english proficien*"
"limited english speaking"
"non-english speaker*"
"non-english speaking"
"nonnative english speaker*"
"non-native english speaker*" OR "NNES"
"nonnative speaker*"
"non-native speaker*"
"second language" OR "L2"
"second language acquisition"
"second language instruction"
"second language learning"
"second language program*"
"second language student*"
"second language teaching"
"second language writing"
"teaching english as a foreign language" OR "TEFL"
"teaching english as a second language" OR "TESL"
"teaching english to non-english speakers" OR "TENES"
"teaching english to speakers of other languages" OR "TESOL"
"test of english as a foreign language" OR "TOEFL"
"abroad graduate student*"
"abroad student*"
"foreign born graduate student*"
"foreign born student*"
"foreign graduate student*"
"foreign student*"
"immigrant graduate student*"
"immigrant student*"
"international graduate student*"
"international student*"
"oversea* graduate student*"
"oversea* student*"

Keyword Terms - Entrepreneur

"business incubator*"
"cottage industry"
"craft industry"
"independent business*"
"micro-business*" OR "microbusiness*"
"micro-enterprise*" OR "microenterprise*"
"minority owned business*"
"private owner*"
"private practice*"
"privately owned"
"small business*"
"small business administration"
"small business incubator*"
"small enterprise*"
"small medium enterprise*" OR "SME"
"social entrepreneur*"
"sole owner*"
"sole proprietor*"
"venture capital"
"woman owned business"
"women owned business*"

Keyword Terms - Etymology

"created the phrase"
"created the word"
"first use of the phrase"
"first use of the word"
"first used the phrase"
"first used the word"
"history of the phrase"
"history of the word"
"origin of the phrase"
"origin of the word"
"originated the phrase"
"originated the word"
"phrase history"
"phrase origination"
"usage of the phrase"
"usage of the word"
"word history"
"word origination"

Keyword Terms - Field Education

"cbtl" OR "community based teaching and learning"
"clinical experience*"
"clinical placement"
"clinical practice*"
"cooperative education"
"cooperative learning"
"experiential learning"
"field education*"
"field experience*"
"field instruction"
"field instructor*"
"field internship*"
"field learning"
"field placement*"
"field practice"
"field practicum*"
"field supervision"
"field supervisor*"
"field work"
"fieldwork experience*"
"fieldwork placement*"
"fieldwork practice*"
"practice learning"
"practice training*"
"service learning"
"work integrated learning"

Keyword Terms - Financial Literacy

"asset building"
"banking knowledge"
"banking skill*"
"consumer counseling"
"consumer economics"
"consumer finance"
"consumer financial*"
"consumer financial literacy"
"consumer lending"
"consumer loan*"
"consumer protection*"
"credit counseling"
"economic literacy"
"financial aptitude*"
"financial attitude*"
"financial behavio*"
"financial capabilit*"
"financial coach*"
"financial counseling"
"financial development"
"financial education"
"financial* empower*"
"financial knowledge"
"financial* illitera*"
"financial learning"
"financial literacy"
"financial* literate"
"financial products"
"financial services"
"financial* skill*"
"financial socialization"
"fiscal literacy"
"home budgeting"
"home economics"
"home finance*"
"home management"
"household budgeting"
"household economics"
"household finance*"
"household management"
"invest* advice"
"invest* advisor*"
"invest* education"
"invest* illitera*"
"invest* knowledge"
"invest* literacy"
"invest* literate"
"invest* skill*"
"manag* money"
"money illiteracy"
"money knowledge"
"money lending"
"money literacy"
"money literate"
"money management"
"money skills"
"payday lending"
"payday loan*"
"personal finance*"
"personal finance management"
"personal financial*"
"personal financial management"
"personal loan*"
"personal money management"
"planning for retirement"
"predatory lending"
"quantitative literacy"
"quantitative reasoning"
"retirement planning"
"retirement saving*"
"saving for retirement"
"saving illitera*"
"saving* knowledge"
"saving* literacy"
"saving* skill*"
"skills to manage money"
"wealth building"

Keyword Terms - First Episode

“beginning attack”
“beginning episode”
“beginning manifestation”
“beginning occurrence”
“beginning presentation”
“beginning psychosis”
“early attack”
“early episode”
“early manifestation”
“early occurrence”
“early presentation”
“early psychosis”
“first attack”
“first episode”
“first manifestation”
“first occurrence”
“first presentation”
“first psychosis”
“first time attack”
“first time episode”
“first time manifestation”
“first time occurrence”
“first time presentation”
"first time psychosis"
“initial attack”
“initial episode”
“initial manifestation”
“initial occurrence”
“initial presentation”
“initial psychosis”
“initiating attack”
“initiating episode”
“initiating manifestation”
“initiating occurrence”
“initiating presentation”
“onset attack”
“onset episode”
“onset manifestation”
“onset occurrence”
“onset presentation”
“original attack”
“original episode”
“original manifestation”
“original occurrence”
“original presentation”
“original psychosis”
“originating attack”
“originating episode”
“originating manifestation”
“originating occurrence”
“originating presentation”
“originating psychosis”
“starting attack”
“starting episode”
“starting manifestation”
“starting occurrence”
“starting presentation”
“starting psychosis”

Keyword Terms - Gender

"assigned female at birth" OR "FAAB"
"assigned male at birth" OR "MAAB"
"cisgender*" OR "cis-gender"
"designated female at birth"
"designated male at birth"
"fluid gender"
"gender affirmative"
"gender affirming"
"gender based"
"gender bias"
"gender confirming"
"gender disadvantage"
"gender discrimination"
"gender disparities"
"gender diverse"
"gender dynamic*"
"gender dysphoria"
"gender empowerment"
"gender exclusion"
"gender expansive"
"gender expression"
"gender fluid" OR "genderfluid"
"gender fluidity"
"gender gap"
"gender identity"
"gender incongruent"
"gender inequality"
"gender limitations"
"gender marginalization" OR "gender marginalisation"
"gender minorit*"
"gender nonbinary"
"gender non-binary"
"gender nonconforming"
"gender non-conforming"
"gender norms"
"gender oppression"
"gender role*"
"gender stereotyping"
"gender studies"
"genderqueer" OR "gender queer"
"nonbinary gender"
"non-binary gender"
"non-binary people" OR "nonbinary people"
"non-binary person" OR "nonbinary person"
"non-binary, transgender, questioning or self-identified in a different way" OR GNTQSI
"nonconforming gender"
"non-conforming gender"
"sex role*"
"sex symbol*"
"trans boy" OR "transboy*"
"trans child" OR "transchild" OR "trans children" OR "transchildren"
"trans community" OR "transcommunity"
"trans gender*"
"trans girl" OR "transgirl*"
"widow" OR "widows"
"widower" OR "widowers"

Keyword Terms - Groups/Teams

"collaborative leadership"
"collaborative learning"
"cooperate" OR "co-operate"
"cooperative leadership"
"cooperative learning"
"coordinate*" OR "co-ordinate"
"cross-agency" OR "crossagency"
"cross-disciplinary" OR crossdisciplinary
"cross-institution*" OR "crossinstitution*"
"cross-organization*" OR "crossorganization*"
"cross-organization*" OR "crossorganization*"
"cross-professional*" OR "crossprofessional*"
"group counseling" OR "group counselling"
"group leader*"
"group meeting*"
"group participant*"
"group psychotherapy"
"group therapy"
"group work" OR groupwork
"in-patients" OR "inpatients"
"inter-agency" OR "interagency"
"inter-disciplinary" OR "interdisciplinary"
"intergroup" OR "inter group"
"inter-institution*" OR "interinstitution*"
"inter-organization*" OR "interorganization*"
"inter-organization*" OR "interorganization*"
"inter-professional*" OR "interprofessional*"
"interrelated" OR "interrelatedness"
"intersection" OR "intersectionality"
"interteam" OR "inter team"
"joint endeavor"
"joint mission"
"linking contexts"
"multi-agency" OR "multiagency"
"multi-dimensional" OR "multidimensional"
"multi-disciplinary" OR "multidisciplinary"
"multi-faceted" OR "multifaceted"
"multi-institution*" OR "multiinstitution*"
"multi-organization*" OR "multiorganization*"
"multi-organization*" OR "multiorganization*"
"multi-professional*" OR "multiprofessional*"
"multi-sector*" OR "multisector*"
"psychotherapy group"
"residential program*"
"shared leadership"
"shared learning"
"team leader*"
"trans-agency" OR "transagency"
"trans disciplinary" OR "transdisciplinary"
"trans-institution*" OR "transinstitution*"
"trans-organization*" OR "transorganization*"
"trans-organization*" OR "transorganization*"
"trans-professional*" OR "transprofessional*"
"trans-sector*" OR transsector*
"work group" OR workgroup
"work team" OR workteam
"work* together"
flat OR flatten* OR flatter OR horizontal* OR "non-hierarchical*" OR decentralized OR participatory
tall OR vertical* OR hierarchical* OR centralized
"command structure" OR "span of control"

Keyword Terms - Health

see also the PubMed database's MeSH headings
see also the CINAHL Plus database's subject headings
addiction see the Addiction box
"affordable care act" OR "ACA"
"alternative medicine"
"birth attendant*"
"charity care"
"children's health insurance program" OR "chip"
"chronic condition*"
"chronic disease*"
"chronic health problem*"
"chronic illness*"
"community based"
"community health*"
"community health* worker*" OR "CHW" OR "CHWs"
"community health care worker*"
"comorbid*" OR "co-morbid*"
"complementary medicine"
"coronary care unit*" OR "CCU"
"critical care unit*" OR "CCU"
"cultural health* belief*"
"do not resuscitate" OR "DNR"
"doula" OR "doulas"
"dual diagnos*"
"emergency department*"
"emergency room*"
"emergency services"
"family physician"
"family practice"
"health* benefit exchange*"
"health* benefits"
"health care" OR "healthcare"
"health care directive"
"health care exchange*"
"health care insurance"
"health care insurance exchange*"
"health care navigator*"
"health care professional*"
"health care provider*"
"health care worker*"
"health* center*"
"health* directive"
"health* exchange*"
"health* facilit*"
"health* insurance"
"Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act" OR "HIPAA"
"health* insurance exchange*"
"health* insurance marketplace"
"health* navigator*"
"health professional*"
"health* provider*"
"health* savings account"
"health* service*"
"health* worker*"
"home care"
"home visits"
"indian health service*" OR "IHS"
"indigent care"
"infection control*"
"infectious diseases"
"in-home care"
"in-patient*" OR "inpatient*"
"intensive care unit*" OR "ICU"
"internal medicine"
"lab work"
"laboratory results"
"major medical"
"medical care"
"medical home"
"medical service provider"
"medical services"
"medical team"
"medical social worker*"
"medigap insurance"
mental see the Mental Health box
"multipl* diagnos*"
nutrition see the Nutrition box
"occupational therapy"
"out-patient*" OR "outpatient*"
"patient care"
"patient care navigator*"
"patient-centered medical home"
"patient navigator*"
"patient protection and affordable care act" OR "PPACA"
"pharmacy benefits" OR "pharmacy plan benefit*"
"physical assessment"
"physical exam*"
"physical therapy"
"prescription drug plan"
"primary care"
psychologic see the Mental Health box
"public health*"
"residential care"
"residential facility"
"sexually transmitted disease*" OR "STD"
"sexually transmitted infection*" OR "STI"
"sick" OR "sickly" OR "sickness"
"state children's health insurance program"
"step down unit*"
"surgicenter*" OR "surgi-center"
therapy see the Therapy box
"tumor registry"
"urgent care"
"venereal disease*"  ("VD")
"visiting nurses"
"visiting social worker*"

Keyword Terms - Homeless

"abandoned children"
"bag ladies" OR "bag people"
"children of the streets"
"children on the streets"
"couch surfing"
"displaced persons camp"
"emergency housing"
"homeless shelter*"
"living in abandoned buildings"
"living in abandoned structures"
"living in the car" OR "live in the car"
"living in their car" OR "live in their car"
"living in vacant buildings" OR "live in vacant buildings" OR "live in a vacant building"
"living on the streets" OR "live on the streets"
"people without housing"
"refugee camp*"
"refugee children*"
"skid row"
"stable housing"
"street children"
"street connected children"
"street involved children"
"street kids"
"street people"
"street youth*"
"supportive housing"
"temporary housing"
"tent cities"
"tent city"
"transient hotel*"
"transitional care"
"transitional housing"
"transitional living"
"unhoused" OR "un-housed"
"vagrant children"
"vagrant youth*"

Keyword Terms - Housing

"accessory dwelling units" OR "ADUs"
"affordable housing"
"assisted living"
"backyard homes"
"bouncing between homes"
"cabin" OR "cabins"
"congregate living"
"container home*"
"container houses"
"co-residency" OR "coresidency"
"co-resident*" OR "coresident*"
"co-residing" OR "coresiding"
"correctional facilit*"
"couch surfing"
"detention center*"
"domestic architecture"
"elder cottage housing opportunity"
"eminent domain"
"excessive residential mobility"
"foster home*"
"frequent residential displacement"
"frequently moves"
"granny pods"
"group home*"
"group housing"
"halfway hous*"
"home* for the aged"
"home within a home"
homeless see the Homeless box
"housing and urban development" OR "HUD"
"housing instability"
"housing project*"
"in-law units"
"living spaces"
"long house*"
"long term care facilit*"
"long-term care facilit*"
"longterm care facilit*"
"mobile home*"
"modular home*"
"motor home*"
"moving often"
"multigenerational home" OR "multi-generational home"
"multigenerational housing" OR "multi-generational housing"
"nursing home*"
"often moves"
"pit house*" OR "pithouse*"
"public housing"
"real estate"
"real property"
"refugee camp*"
"rental* unit"
"resettlement camp"
"residential care"
"residential displacement"
"residential facility"
"residential hotel*"
"residential mobility"
"residential setting"
"residential structure*"
"residential treatment facilit*"
"revitaliz*" OR "revitalis*"
"section 8" OR "section eight"
"skilled nursing facilit*"
"slum" OR "slums"
"stable housing"
"supportive housing"
"teepee*" OR "tepee*"
"tent city"
"tiny houses"
"tipi" OR "tipis"
"townhome*" OR "town home*"
"townhouse*" OR "town house*"
"transient hotel*"
"transitional care"
"transitional housing"
"transitional living"
"unstable housing"
"youth hostel*"

Keyword Terms - Human Trafficking

"adolescent prostitut*"
"call girl*"
"child exploitation"
"child prostitut*"
"child sex industry"
"child sex slavery"
"child sex trade"
"child sex traffick*"
"child sexual exploitation"
"child sexual slavery"
"child sexual traffick*"
"child slave labor" OR "child slave labour"
"child slavery"
"child traffick*"
"children traffick*"
"commercial sex trade"
"commercial sex worker*"
"contemporary slavery"
"female prostitutes"
"forced labor" OR "forced labour"
"forced prostitution"
"formerly trafficked"
"human slavery"
"human traffick*"
"juvenile prostitut*"
"labor traffick*" OR "labour traffick*"
"labor enslave*" OR "labour enslave*"
"labor slave*" OR "labour slave"
"ladies of the evening"
"male prostitutes"
"modern slavery"
"new slavery"
"people trafficking"
"sex exploitation"
"sex industry"
"sex professionals"
"sex slavery"
"sex survivor*"
"sex trade"
"sex trafficking"
"sex victim*"
"sex worker*"
"sexual exploitation"
"sexual slavery"
"sexual survivor*"
"sexual trafficking"
"sexual victim*"
"sexually exploited"
"sexually victim*"
"slave labor" OR "slave labour"
"slave trade"
"slave trafficking"
"street prostitut*"
"street walker*" OR "streetwalker*"
"teen* prostitut*"
"trafficking adolescents"
"trafficking children"
"trafficking in children"
"trafficking in people"
"trafficking juveniles"
"trafficking minors"
"trafficking teenagers"
"trafficking teens"
"trafficking underage" OR "trafficking under age"
"trafficking underaged" OR "trafficking under aged"
"trafficking youths"
"women of ill repute"
"women of the night"
"youth prostitut*"

Keyword Terms - Identify

"factor" OR "factors"
"pick out"
"point out"
"recognize" OR recognise
"sift through"

Keyword Terms - Increase/Decrease

"build* up"
"maximiz*" OR "maximis*"
"trended up"
"trends up"
"upscaling" OR "up-scaling"
"minimiz*" OR "minimis*"
"nose dive" OR nosedive
"slow down"
"trended down"
"trends down"
"went down"

Keyword Terms - Indigenous

"aian" OR "american indian alaska native"
"alaska* native*"
"american indian*"
"american native continental ancestry group"
"before european*"
"bureau of indian affairs"
"canadian indian*"
"first nation*"
"first people*"
"historical trauma"
"indian country"
"indian health service*"
"indian reservation*"
"indians central america"
"indians of central america"
"indians north america"
"indians of north america"
"indians south america"
"indians of south america"
"medicine man"
"mexican indian*"
"native american*"
"native hawaiian*"
"native north americans"
"pow wow"
"soul wound"
"talking circle*"

"first foods"
"native cook*" 
"native cuisine" 
"native diet*" 
"native dish*" 
"native feast*" 
"native food*"
"native meal*"
"native recipe*"
"traditional cook*" 
"traditional cuisine"
"traditional diet*" 
"traditional dish*"
"traditional feast*"
"traditional food*"
"traditional meal*"
"traditional recipe*"

Keyword Terms - Inequality/Discrimination

"affirmative action"
"color consciousness"
"diversity training"
"double standard"
"equal protection"
"gay bashing"
"high risk"
"low social status"
"microaggressions" OR "micro aggressions"
"racial discrimination*"
"racial trauma"
"segregate*" OR "segregating" OR "segregation"
"sensitivity training"
"social distancing"
"underclass" OR "under-class"
"under-privilege*" OR "underprivilege*"
"underrepresented" OR "under represented"
"underserved" OR "under served"

Keyword Terms - Intake

"client interviewing"
"first session"
"initial interview"

Keyword Terms - International

"3rd world" OR "third world"
"asylum seeker*"
"cross-cultural*" OR "crosscultural*"
"cross-national*" OR "crossnational*"
"developing countries"
"developing country"
"developing nation"
"developing nations"
"emerging countries"
"emerging country"
"emerging economies"
"emerging nation"
"emerging nations"
"global north"
"global south"
"high-income countries" OR "HICs"
"inter-country" OR "intercountry"
"inter-cultural*" OR "intercultural*"
"inter-ethnic*" OR "interethnic*"
"international monetary fund" OR "IMF"
"least developed countries"
"least developed nations"
"less developed countries"
"less developed nations"
"less economically developed countries" OR "LEDCs"
"less economically developed country"
"less economically developed nation"
"less economically developed nations"
"low and middle income countries" OR "LMICs"
"low and middle income nations"
"low income countries"
"low income country"
"low income nation"
"low income nations"
"low middle income countries"
"low middle income country"
"low middle income nation"
"low middle income nations"
"lower middle income country"
"lower middle income countries"
"lower middle income nation"
"lower middle income nations"
"middle income countries"
"middle income country"
"middle income nation"
"middle income nations"
"multi-cultural*" OR "multicultural*"
"organization for economic co-operation and development" OR "OECD"
"third world"
"transcontinental*" OR "trans-continental*"
"transcultural*" OR "trans-cultural*"
"transition countries"
"transition country"
"transition nation"
"transition nations"
"transitional countries"
"transitional country"
"transitional nation"
"transitional nations"
"transnational*" OR "trans-national*"
"under developed countries"
"under developed country"
"under developed nation"
"under developed nations"
"underdeveloped countries"
"underdeveloped country"
"underdeveloped nation"
"underdeveloped nations"
"undeveloped countries"
"undeveloped country"
"undeveloped nation"
"undeveloped nations"
"unesco" OR "United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization"
"united nations" OR "UN"
"united states agency for international development"
"united states international development cooperation agency"
"usaid" OR "United States Agency for International Development"
"world bank"

Keyword Terms - Internet/Computer

For a comprehensive list of terms, please consult
the Applied Science & Technology database's thesaurus.

"alternate reality game*"
"apple watch*"
"augmented reality tool"
"BlackBoard course management system"
"Canvas course management system"
"chat room*" OR "chatroom*"
"chat service"
"cloud computing"
"cloud gaming"
"cloud services"
"collaborative game*"
"collaborative gaming"
"computer assisted"
"computer assisted instruction"
"computer assisted learning"
"computer communication"
"computer game*"
"computer gaming"
"computer managed instruction"
"computer mediated"
"computer programmed instruction"
"cyber bullying" OR cyberbull*
"cyber game*" OR cybergame*
"cyber gaming" OR cybergaming
"cyberattack*" OR "cyber attack*"
"cyberseminar" OR cyberseminars OR "cyber seminar" OR "cyber seminars"
"cyberspace" OR "cyber space"
"digital game*"
"digital gaming"
"digital object identifier" OR "DOI"
"digital subscriber line" OR "DSL"
"distance learning"
"dropbox*" OR "drop box"
"e-fill in your word here"
"e-book*" OR "ebook*"
"e-journal*" OR "ejournal*"
"e-learning" OR "elearning"
"electronic educational game*"
"electronic educational gaming"
"electronic game*"
"electronic gaming"
"e-mail" OR "email"
"e-marketing" OR "emarketing"
"e-reader*" OR "ereader*"
"e-seminar" OR eseminar OR "e-seminars" OR eseminars
"finger pad"
"game boy" OR "gameboy"
"google books"
"google glass*"
"google scholar"
"hybrid work"
"in the cloud"
"information and communication technology"OR "ICT"
"instant messaging"
"interactive game*"
"interactive gaming"
"internet based game*"
"internet based gaming"
"internet explorer"
"internet game*"
"internet gaming"
"internet publishing"
"local area network" OR "LAN"
"massively multiplayer online role-playing"
"Microsoft Edge"
"Microsoft Teams"
"mixed game*"
"mixed gaming"
"mobile game*"
"mobile gaming"
"multimedia" OR "multi media"
"multimedia game*" OR "multi media game*"
"multimedia gaming" OR "multi media gaming"
"multiplayer game*" OR "multi player game*"
"multiplayer gaming" OR "multi player gaming"
"on-line" OR "online"
"online conference*"
"online game*"
"online gaming"
"online meeting*"
"online training"
"open access"
"operating system"
"pc" OR "personal computer"
"really simple syndication" OR "RSS"
"remote work"
"screen cast" OR screencast*
"screen saver*" OR screensaver*
"short message service*" OR "SMS"
"simulation game*"
"simulation gaming"
"Skype*" OR "Skyping"
"smart appliance*"
"smart home"
"smart homes"
"smart house*"
"smart phone*"
"smartphone game*"
"smartphone gaming"
"smart watch*"
"snapchat" OR "snap chat"
"social media"
"social network*"
"streaming live"
"streaming movies"
"streaming services"
"streaming video*"
"technology assisted instruction"
"text messag*"
"three dimensional virtual environments"
"tik tok" OR "tiktok"
"touch screen"
"video cast*" OR "videocast*"
"video conference*"
"video game*" OR "videogame*"
"video gaming" OR "videogaming"
"video streaming" OR "videostreaming"
"virtual conference"
"virtual game*"
"virtual gaming"
"virtual learning"
"virtual reality"
"virtual reality therapy"
"virtual seminar" OR "virtual seminars"
"web based"
"web based game*"
"web based gaming"
"web browser*"
"web cast*" OR "webcast*"
"web conference*" OR "webconferenc*"
"web log" OR "weblog"
"web page*" OR "webpage*"
"web seminar" OR "web seminars"
"web site*" OR "website*"
"wireless network"
"world wide web" OR "WWW"
"xbox" OR "x-box"

Keyword Terms - Jobs

For a comprehensive list of terms, please consult the
Business Source Complete database's thesaurus.

"1040 form"
"base pay"
"basic skills training"
"blue collar"
"board of directors"
"board of governors"
"board of trustees"
"boards of directors"
"boards of governors"
"boards of trustees"
"boss" OR bosses
"business attire"
"business dress"
"career center*"
"career choice"
"career classes"
"career coaching"
"career counseling"
"career development"
"career exploration"
"career guidance"
"career instruction"
"career mentoring"
"career office"
"career path*"
"career placement"
"career planning"
"career prepar*"
"career progression"
"career readiness"
"career services"
"career stages"
"career support group*"
"career workshop*"
"chief executive officer" OR "CEO" OR "CEOs"
"chief financial officer" OR "CFO" OR "CFOs"
"classified ads"
"commute time"
"comparable worth"
"continuing education units" OR "CEUs"
"cooperative education"
"corporate culture"
"dental benefits"
"department of labor" OR "DOL"
"dislocated worker*"
"diversity training"
"earnings gap"
"employee benefit*"
"employee selection"
"equal employment opportunity commission" OR "EEOC"
"equal pay"
"Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993" OR "FMLA"
"Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax" OR "FICA"
field education see the Field Education box
"field supervisor*"
"flexible work schedul*"
"flex-time" OR "flextime"
"fringe benefit*"
"full time equivalent" OR "FTE" OR FTEs"
"full time job"
"governance board*"
"governing board*"
"hard work"
"health benefits"
"health insurance"
"help wanted ads"
"holiday pay"
"hold a job"
"hostile workplace"
"hourly pay"
"hourly wages"
"HR" OR "human resources"
"human resources department"
"human resources management"
"hybrid work environment"
"hybrid work schedul*"
"income tax"
"job" OR "jobs"
"job application*"
"job benefits"
"job boards"
"job classes"
"job club*"
"job coaching"
"job counseling" OR "job counselling"
"job counselors" OR "job counsellors"
"job hunting"
"job initiatives"
"job instruction"
"job interview*"
"job intervention*"
"job listings"
"job mentoring"
"job offer"
"job opportunit*"
"job placement*"
"job postings"
"job prepar*"
"job program*"
"job retention"
"job satisfaction"
"job search*"
"job search training*"
"job seeker*"
"job seeking"
"job seeking skills program*"
"job self-help group*"
"job sharing"
"job skills"
"job support group*"
"job training"
"job workshop*"
"jobseeking skills program*"
"junior achievement"
"keep a job"
"labor" OR "labour"
"labor relations" OR "labour relations"
"laid off" OR "laidoff"
"lay offs" OR layoff*
"leave benefits"
"leave the company"
"leave the job"
"leaving the company"
"leaving the job"
"left the company"
"left the job"
"looking for a job"
"looking for a new job"
"manual work*"
"middle management"
"middle manager*"
"minimum wage"
"miss work" OR "misses work" OR "missed work" OR "missing work"
"mock interview*"
"occupational outlook handbook"
"occupational safety and health administration" OR "OSHA"
"on time" OR "ontime"
"outplacement" OR "out placement"
"outsourc*" OR "out sourc*"
"overtime" OR "over time"
"paid time off" OR "PTO"
"part-time job"
"pay disparit*"
"pay equity"
"pay gap"
"pay inequalit*"
"pay negotiation"
"pay rate"
"pay scale"
"personal references"
"personnel department"
"Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996" OR "PRAWORA" OR "PRWORA"
"placement center"
"private company"
"private firm" OR "private firms"
"prn" OR "pro re nata"
"professional attire"
"professional dress"
"promote*" OR promoting
"public company"
"quit" OR "quits" OR "quitting"
"random drug testing"
"remote work"
"retain her job"
"retain his job"
"retain* the job"
"retain* their job"
"retain* workers"
"retirement benefits"
"right to work"
"salaried worker*"
"severance package"
"severance pay"
"sexual harassment"
"shift differential"
"shift work*"
"skilled labor" OR "skilled labour"
"skills program*"
"skills training"
"small business*"
"soft skills"
"staying at the job"
"staying with the company"
"staying with the job"
"temporary work"
"temporary worker*"
"therapeutic workplace" OR "therapeutic work place"
"time and a half"
"trustee board"
"trustee boards"
"trustees board"
"trustees boards"
"unemployment benefits"
"unemployment insurance"
"union dues"
"vacation benefits"
"vacation pay"
"vacation time"
"vocational guidance"
"vocational rehab*"
"w-2 form"
"w-4 form"
"wage discrimination"
"wage* gap"
"want ads"
"weekly pay"
"weekly wage"
"welfare to work"
"whistle blower"
"white collar"
"work climate"
"work environment"
"work from home"
"work habits"
"work place*" OR workplace*
"work readiness"
"work references"
"work site" OR "worksite"
"work skills"
"worker retention"
"workers comp"
"workers compensation"
"workers' compensation"
"workforce*" OR "work force"
"working from home"
"working remotely"
fire OR fired OR fires OR firing OR dismiss* OR terminat* OR "forced to resign" OR "forced to step down" OR "forced to leave" OR "forced to retire" OR "pressured to resign" OR "pressured to leave" OR "pressured to step down" OR "pressured to retire" OR "forced ceo turnover" OR "quits under fire" OR "quit under fire"

Keyword Terms - Low Income Countries

Low Income Countries
The World Bank Classification Links:
United Nations Least Developed Countries Link:
Terms related to low income countries:
"least developed country" OR "least developed countries" OR "least developed nation" OR "least developed nations" OR "low income country" OR "low income countries" OR "low income nation" OR "low income nations" OR LMIC OR "L-MIC" OR LMICs OR "L-MICs" OR "low middle income countries" OR "low middle income country" OR "low middle income nation" OR "low middle income nations" OR "lower middle income country" OR "lower middle income countries" OR "lower middle income nation" OR "lower middle income nations"
2024 World Bank Low Income Economies:
Afghanistan OR "Burkina Faso" OR Burundi OR "Central African Republic" OR Chad OR "Democratic Republic of the Congo" OR "Congo-Kinshasa" OR "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" OR "North Korea" OR Eritrea OR Ethiopia OR Gambia OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR Liberia OR Madagascar OR Malawi OR Mali OR Mozambique OR Niger OR Rwanda OR "Sierra Leone" OR Somalia OR "South Sudan" OR Sudan OR "Syrian Arab Republic" OR Syria OR Togo OR Uganda OR Yemen
2024 World Bank Lower-Middle Income Economies:
Angola OR Algeria OR Bangladesh OR Benin OR Bhutan OR Bolivia OR "Cabo Verde" OR Cambodia OR Cameroon OR Comoros OR "Cote d'Ivoire" OR "Ivory Coast" OR Djibouti OR Egypt OR Eswatini OR Swaziland OR Ghana OR Guinea OR Haiti OR Honduras OR Jordan OR India OR Iran OR Kenya OR Kiribati OR "Kyrgyz Republic" OR Kyrgyzstan OR "Lao PDR" OR "Lao People’s Democratic Republic" OR Laos OR Lebanon OR Lesotho OR Mauritania OR Micronesia OR Mongolia OR Morocco OR Myanmar OR Burma OR Nepal OR Nicaragua OR Nigeria OR Pakistan OR "Papua New Guinea" OR Philippines OR "Republic of the Congo" OR "Congo-Brazzaville" OR Samoa OR "Sao Tome and Principe" OR Senegal OR "Solomon Islands" OR "Sri Lanka" OR Tanzania OR Tajikistan OR "Timor-Leste" OR "East Timor" OR Tunisia OR Ukraine OR Uzbekistan OR Vanuatu OR Vietnam OR "Viet Nam" OR Zambia OR Zimbabwe
2024 United Nations Least Developed Countries:
Afghanistan OR Angola OR Bangladesh OR Benin OR "Burkina Faso" OR Burundi OR Cambodia OR "Central African Republic" OR Chad OR Comoros OR "Democratic Republic of the Congo" OR "Congo-Kinshasa" OR Djibouti OR Eritrea OR Ethiopia OR Gambia OR Guinea OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR Haiti OR Kiribati OR "Lao PDR" OR "Lao People’s Democratic Republic" OR Laos OR Lesotho OR Liberia OR Madagascar OR Malawi OR Mali OR Mauritania OR Mozambique OR Myanmar OR Burma OR Nepal OR Niger OR Rwanda OR "Sao Tome and Principe" OR Senegal OR "Sierra Leone" OR "Solomon Islands" OR Somalia OR "South Sudan" OR Sudan OR Tanzania OR "Timor-Leste" OR "East Timor" OR Togo OR Tuvalu OR Uganda OR Yemen OR Zambia

Keyword Terms - Managerial Structure

"tall" OR "taller" OR vertical* OR hierarchical
"flat" OR "flatter" OR "flatten" OR "flattened" OR horizontal OR horizontally
centralized OR centralised OR decentralized OR decentralised OR centralizing OR centralising OR decentralizing OR decentralising OR layers OR layered OR delayered OR departmentalized OR departmentalised
"organizational effectiveness" OR "organizational effectiveness" OR "organizational structure" OR "organizational structure" OR "managerial structure"

Keyword Terms - Marriage

"adolescent bride*"
"adolescent marriage*"
"ala kachuu"
"blended families"
"blended family"
"bride abduct*"
"bride kidnap*"
"child bride*"
"child marriage*"
"civil union"
"commitment ceremon*"
"domestic partner*"
"forced bachelor"
"forced marriage*"
"involuntary bachelor"
"involuntary bachelorette"
"legal* separat*"
"mail order bride*"
"marital discord"
"marriage by abduction"
"marriage by capture"
"marriage ceremon*"
"marriage licens*"
"marriage squeeze"  (population imbalance regarding the sexes)
"mixed family" OR "mixed families"
"never married"
"step-couple" OR "stepcouple" OR "step-couples" OR "stepcouples"
"stepfamil*" OR "step-families" OR "step-family"
"stepfather*" OR "step-father*"
"stepmother*" OR "step-mother*"
"stepparent*" OR "step-parent*"
"teen* bride*"
"teen* marriage*"
"underage* bride*"
"underage* marriage*"
"mixed-marriage*" OR "intermarriage*" OR "interracial marriage*" OR "interracial couple*" OR "interracial parents" OR "interethnic marriage*" OR "interethnic couple*" OR "interethnic parents" OR "intercultur* marriage*" OR "intercultur* couple*" OR "intercultur* parents" OR "cross-cultur* marriage*" OR "cross-cultur* couple*" OR "cross-cultur* parents" OR "exogamous marriage*" OR "exogamous couple*" OR "exogamous parents" OR "inter-racial marriage*" OR "inter-racial couple*" OR "inter-racial parents" OR "inter-ethnic marriage*" OR "inter-ethnic couple*" OR "inter-ethnic parents" OR "inter-cultur* marriage*" OR "inter-cultur* couple*" OR "inter-cultur* parents" OR "mixed-nativity" OR "mixed-ethnicity marriage*" OR "mixed-ethnicity couple*" OR "mixed-ethnicity parents" OR "marrying out" OR "ethnically heterogamous marriage*" OR "ethnically heterogamous couple*" OR "ethnically heterogamous parents" OR "intergroup marriage*" OR "interracial family" OR "interracial families" OR  "interethnic family" OR "interethnic families" OR "intercultural family" OR "intercultural families" OR "cross-cultural family" OR "cross-cultural families" OR "inter-racial family" OR "inter-racial families" OR "inter-ethnic family" OR "inter-ethnic families" OR "inter-cultural family" OR "inter-cultural families" OR "multicultural marriage*" OR "multicultural couple*" OR "multicultural family" OR "multicultural families" OR "multicultural parents" OR "multi-cultural marriage*" OR "multi-cultural couple*" OR "multi-cultural family" OR "multi-cultural families" OR "multi-cultural parents" OR "crosscultur* marriage*" OR "crosscultur* couple*" OR "crosscultural family" OR "crosscultural families" OR "crosscultural parents"

Keyword Terms - Mass Media

"broadcast media"
"cable news program*"
"cable television"
"cover story"
"front page"
"mass media"
"news coverage"
"news reporter*"
"news station"
"news video"
"press coverage"
"print journalism"
"print media"
"public airwave*"
"public broadcast*"
"public television"
"social media"
"war correspondent*"

Keyword Terms - Mental Health

For a comprehensive list of terms, please consult the
PsycInfo database's thesaurus and the DSM-5.

abuse see the Abuse box
addiction see the Addiction box
"adjustment disorder*"
"affective disorder*"
"anxiety disorder*"
"assertive community treatment"
"attachment disorder*"
"attention deficit"
"beginning epidsode"
"behavior change*"
"behaviour change*"
"behavior disorder*"
"behaviour disorder*"
"behavior modification"
"behaviour modification"
"behavioral change*"
"behavioural change*"
"behavioral disorder*"
"behavioural disorder*"
"behavioral health*"
"behavioural health*"
"behavioral medicine"
"behavioural medicine"
"behavioral modification"
"behavioural modification"
"binge eating"
"body image"
"body positivity"
"body shaming"
"chronic depression"
"chronically depressed"
"cognition disorder*"
"community based mental health*"
"community based psychology"
"community counseling"
"community counselling"
"community mental health*"
"community psychology"
"compassion fatigue"
"complex bereavement disorder*"
"complicated grief"
"conduct disorder*"
"coping behavior*"
"coping behaviour*"
"counseling center*"
"counseling service*"
"counselling centre"
"counselling centres"
"counselling clinic*"
"counselling service*"
"crisis hotline*"
"crises interventions"
"crisis intervention*"
"day treatment"
"defiant disorder*"
"delusion disorder*"
"depressive disorder*"
"developmental delay*"
"developmental disabilit*"
"developmental disorder*"
"developmentally delayed"
"developmentally disabled"
"disruptive disorder*"
"dissociative disorder*"
"early intervention*"
"early medical intervention*"
"eating disorder*"
"elimination disorder*"
"emotional adjustment"
"emotional disturbance*"
"emotional maladjustment"
"emotional problems"
"emotionally disturbed"
"emotionally maladjusted"
"factitious disorder*"
"feeding disorder*"
first episode see First Episode box
"gender disorder*"
"gender dysphoria"
"group counseling"
"group counselling"
"group meeting*"
"group psychotherapy"
"group therapy"
"group work"
"impulse control disorder*"
"intellectual disabilit*"
"intellectual disorder*"
"intellectually disabled"
"learning disabilit*"
"learning disabled"
"learning disorder*"
"learning disorder*"
"life satisfaction"
"locked down unit"
"locked down ward"
"locked unit"
"locked ward"
"major depression"
"manic depressive*"
"mental breakdown*"
"mental break down"
"mental break downs"
"mental confusion"
"mental counseling"
"mental counselling"
"mental* disease*"
"mental* disorder*"
"mental distress"
"mental fatigue"
"mental healing"
"mental health*"
"mental health care"
"mental health care center*"
"mental health care clinic*"
"mental health care counseling"
"mental health care counselling"
"mental health care facilit*"
"mental health care institution*"
"mental health care service*"
"mental health care social worker*"
"mental health case manager*"
"mental health caseworker*"
"mental health clinical supervisor*"
"mental health* center*"
"mental health* clinic*"
"mental health clinician*"
"mental health condition"
"mental health* counseling"
"mental health* counselling"
"mental health employee*"
"mental health* facilit*"
"mental health* institution*"
"mental health personnel"
"mental health professional*"
"mental health provider*"
"mental health* service*"
"mental health* social worker*"
"mental health* wellness"
"mental healthcare"
"mental hospital*"
"mental hygiene"
"mental illness*"
"mental institution*"
"mental* problem*"
"mental stress*"
"mental wellbeing" OR "mental well being"
"mental wellness"
"mental ward"
"mentally confused"
"mentally disordered"
"mentally distressed"
"mentally ill"
"mentally stressed"
"mood disorder*"
"mutual aid"
"mutual help"
"mutual self help"
"neurocognitive disorder*"
"neurodevelopmental disorder*"
"neurotic disorder*"
"nervous breakdown*"
"nervous break down"
"nervous break downs"
"obsessive compulsive"
"panic attack*"
"panic disorder*"
"paraphilic disorder*"
"peer support"
"personality disorder*"
"post traumatic stress disorder*" OR "PTSD"
"posttraumatic stress disorder*"
"psyc clinic"
"psyc floor"
"psyc hospital"
"psyc unit"
"psyc ward"
"psych clinic"
"psych floor"
"psych hospital"
"psych unit"
"psych ward"
"psychiatric aides"
"psychiatric attendant*"
"psychiatric caseworker*"
"psychiatric clinic staff"
"psychiatric hospital staff"
"psychiatric social worker*"
"psychiatric technician*"
"psychiatric unit worker*"
"psychiatric ward attendant*"
"psychologic* adjustment"
"psychologic* assessment*"
"psychologic* breakdown*"
"psychologic* break down"
"psychologic* break downs"
"psychologic* clinic*"
"psychologic* counseling"
"psychologic* counselling"
"psychologic* disease*"
"psychologic* disorder*"
"psychologic* distress"
"psychologic* health*"
"psychologic* illness*"
"psychologic* problem*"
"psychologic* service*"
"psychologic* stress*"
"psychologic* well being"
"psychologic* wellbeing"
"psychologic* wellness"
"psychological phenomena"
"psychological service*"
"psychological walk-in clinic"
"psychologically disordered"
"psychologically distressed"
"psychologically ill"
"psychologically stressed"
"psychosocial adjustment"
"psychosocial functioning"
"Psychosocial health"
"psychosocial readjustment"
"psychosocial rehab"
"psychosocial rehabilitation"
"Psychosocial well being"
"Psychosocial wellbeing"
"Psychosocial wellness"
"quality of life"
"reading disabilit*"
"reading disorder*"
"rehab* counsel*"
"schizo affective"
"secondary traumatic stress"
"selective mutism"
"self esteem"
"self help group*"
"self harm"
"self injury"
"self mutilation"
"sexual disorder*"
"sleep disorder*"
"somatic disorder*"
"somatoform disorder*"
"stress disorder*"
"stressor related disorder*"
"support group*"
"thought disturbances"
"trauma informed"
"trauma related disorder*"
"trauma sensitive"
"vicarious traumatization" OR "vicarious traumatisation"
"well being" OR "wellbeing"

Keyword Terms - Military

"active duty"
"air force" OR "airforce"
"aircraft carrier*"
"airwoman" OR "airwomen"
"all-volunteer force*"
"armed conflict"
"armed forces"
"armed services"
"bomb squad"
"boot camp"
"brain injur*"
"child soldier*"
"chopper pilot*"
"civilian casualties"
"coast guard"
"coast guardsman"
"coast guardsmen"
"coast guardswoman"
"coast guardswomen"
"collateral damage*"
"commissioned officer*"
"department of veterans affairs"
"dog tag" OR "dog tags" OR "dogtag*"
domestic violence see the Abuse box
drug abuse see the Addiction box
"enlisted men"
"enlisted women"
"field hospital*"
"field surgeon*"
"fighter pilot*"
"fire fight"
"flyboys" OR "flygirls"
"foot soldier*"
"friendly fire"
"gi bill" OR "Servicemen's readjustment act"
"guerilla warfare"
"head injur*"
"helicopter pilot*"
"homeless veteran*"
"homeless vets"
"humanitarian aid"
"improvised explosive device*" OR "IED" OR "IEDs"
"mash unit*"
"medical corps"
"medical discharg*"
"medical evacuation"
"military action"
"military hospital"
"military police" OR "MP" OR "MPs"
"military sexual trauma"
"mobile army surgical hospital" OR "MASH"
"national guard"
"national service"
"naval officer*"
"navy seals"
"north atlantic treaty organization" OR "NATO"
"paratrooper*" OR "para trooper*"
"peacekeeping mission*"
"post deployment"
"post traumatic stress"
"posttraumatic stress"
"ptsd" OR "post traumatic stress disorder"
"purple heart"
"readjustment service*"
"reintegrat*" OR "re-integrat*"
"returned to duty"
"returning service member*"
"ROTC" OR "Reserve Officers' Training Corps"
"ROTC cadet"
"ROTC cadets"
"seawoman" OR "seawomen"
"service-connected disab*"
"service-connected injur*"
"service-related disab*"
"service-related injur*"
"Servicemen's Readjustment Act"
"service woman" OR "service women" OR "servicewoman" OR "servicewomen"
"sharp shooter*" OR "sharpshooter*"
"shell shock" OR "shellshock"
"space force" OR "spaceforce"
"special operations"
"special ops"
"stealth bomber*"
"tour* of duty"
"traumatic brain injur*"
"uniformed services"
"veterans administration" OR "VA"
"veterans benefit*"
"veterans health administration"
"veterans hospital*"
"volunteer army"
"west point"
"woman veteran"
"women veterans"

Keyword Terms - Nutrition

For a comprehensive list of terms, please consult the CINAHL Plus
database's thesaurus or the PubMed database's MeSH headings.

"body mass index*" OR "BMI"
"caloric restriction*"
"community garden*"
"diet quality"
"diet therapy"
"dietary habit*"
"dietary practice*"
"dietary supplement*"
"eating out"
"enriched food*"
"fast food"
"feeding tube*"
"food desert*"
"food habit*"
"food insecure"
"food insecurity"
"food intake"
"food pantry" OR "food pantries"
"food security"
"food stamps"
"food supplement*"
"fortified food*"
"fortified spread*"
"free lunch program*"
"fresh produce"
"fruit" OR "fruits"
"healthful food*"
"healthy eating"
"healthy food*"
"healthy food access*"
"locally grown"
"malabsorption" OR "mal absorption"
"malnourish*" OR "mal nourish*"
"micronutrient*" OR "micro nutrient*"
"nutrient dense"
"nutrient supplement*"
"nutritional deficienc*"
"nutrition* disorder*"
"nutrition* status"
"nutrition* supplement*"
"organic food*"
"organic produce"
"overfeeding" OR "over feeding"
"overnutrition" OR "over nutrition"
"school lunch program*"
"soup kitchen*"
"substandard diet"
"Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" OR "SNAP"
"supplementary feeding"
"supplementary food*"
"survival food*"
"therapeutic food*"
"trace elements"
"under nourish*" OR "undernourish*"
"under nutrition*" OR "undernutrition*"
"underweight" OR "under weight"
"weight loss"

Keyword Terms - Organizational Culture

"company climate"
"company culture"
"corporate climate"
"corporate culture"
"employee satisfaction"
"institutional climate"
"institutional culture"
"institutional environment"
"job satisfaction"
"job stress"
"office environment"
"office politics"
"organizational behavior"
"organizational behaviour"
"organizational characteristics"
"organizational climate"
"organizational culture"
"organizational environment"
"organizational ideology"
"organizational politics"
"organizational structure"
"organizational values"
"organizational behavior"
"organizational behaviour"
"organizational characteristics"
"organizational climate"
"organizational culture"
"organizational environment"
"organizational ideology"
"organizational politics"
"organizational structure"
"organizational values"
"quality of work life"
"work climate"
"work culture"
"work environment"
"working conditions"
"workplace climate"
"workplace culture"
"workplace environment"
"worksite culture"
"worksite environment"

Keyword Terms - Outreach

"blog" OR "blogs" OR "blogging" OR "blogged"
"broadcast media"
"bulletin board*"
"calendar of events"
"community affairs"
"community association*"
"community coalition*"
"community engagement*"
"community event*"
"community group*"
"community organis*"
"community organiz*"
"community relations"
"consumer group*"
"direct mail*"
"door to door"
"give away*" OR "giveaway*"
"handout*" OR "hand out" OR "hand outs"
"intended audience*"
"local association*"
"local coalition*"
"local engag*"
"local group*"
"local organis*"
"local organiz*"
"mass media"
"neighborhood association*"
"neighborhood coalition*"
"neighborhood engag*"
"neighborhood group*"
"neighborhood organis*"
"neighborhood organiz*"
"neighbourhood association*"
"neighbourhood coalition*"
"neighbourhood engag*"
"neighbourhood group*"
"neighbourhood organis*"
"neighbourhood organiz*"
"outreach*" OR "out reach*"
"phone messag*"
"plane banner"
"plane writing"
"promotional material*"
"public affairs"
"public relations"
"public service announcement*" OR "PSA" OR "PSAs"
"refrigerator magnet*"
"social change"
"social marketing"
"social media"
"target audience*"
"target group*"
"target population"
"text messag*"

Keyword Terms - Participate

"dropout*" OR "drop out" OR "drop outs"
"dropped out"
"non attend*" OR "nonattend*"
"non participa*" OR "nonparticipat*"
"non recipient*" OR "nonrecipient*"
"non user*" OR "nonuser*"
"opt in" OR "opts in" OR "opted in" OR "opting in"
"receive* benefits"
"register for"
"sign up" OR "signup*" OR "signs up" OR "signed up" OR "signing up"
"take up"
"take part"

Keyword Terms - Personal Story

"eyewitness account*"
"eyewitness stories"
"eyewitness story"
"first hand account*" OR "firsthand account*"
"firsthand experience*" OR "first hand experience*"
"firsthand reflection*" OR "first hand reflection*"
"first hand stories" OR "firsthand stories"
"first hand story" OR "firsthand story"
"first person account*" OR "firstperson account*"
"firstperson experience*" OR "first person experience*"
"firstperson reflection*" OR "first person reflection*"
"first person stories" OR "firstperson stories"
"first person story" OR "firstperson story"
"oral histories"
"oral history"
"personal account*"
"personal correspondence"
"personal experience*"
"personal narrative*"
"personal reflection*"
"personal story"
"true stories"
"true story"

Keyword Terms - Philanthropy

"capital campaign"
"Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University"
"charity navigator"
"collection box*"
"collection plate*"
"crowd funding"
"economic assistance"
"Foundation Center"
"fund raising" OR "fundraising"
"gave dollars"
"gave monies"
"gave money"
"give* dollars"
"give* monies"
"give* money"
"grant maker*" OR "grantmaker*"
"grant making" OR "grantmaking"
"grant seeking" OR "grantseeking"
"grants in aid"
"non governmental development organization*" OR "NGDO" OR "NGDOs"
"nongovernmental development organization*"
"non governmental development organization*" OR "NGDO" OR "NGDOs"
"nongovernmental development organization*"
"non governmental organization*" OR "NGO" OR "NGOs"
"nongovernmental organization*"
"non governmental organization*" OR "NGO" OR "NGOs"
"nongovernmental organization*"
"non profit*" OR "nonprofit*"
"not for profit*"
"private equity"
"rais* money"
"service organization*"
"service organization*"
"services inkind"
"services in kind"
"tax deduction*"
"tax exempt*"
"venture capital*"

Keyword Terms - Physical Activity

"aerobic activities"
"aerobic exercise"
"aerobics instructor"
"endurance training"
"fitness coach"
"fitness instructor"
"fitness training"
"gym class"
"gym teacher"
"locomotor activities"
"motor activities"
"physical activities"
"physical activity"
"physical conditioning"
"physical exertion"
"physical fitness"
"physically active"

Keyword Terms - Police Violence

"application of unnecessary force"
"complaints against police"
"cop brutality"
"deadly force"
"disproportional police response"
"excessive force"
"excessive police violence"
"excessive use of force"
"executed by the police"
"execution by law enforcement"
"fatal force"
"fatally wounded"
"hands up"
"hands were up"
"homicide by law enforcement"
"killed by law enforcement"
"law enforcement killing*"
"law enforcement misconduct"
"law enforcement violence"
"lethal force"
"lethally wounded"
"manslaughter by law enforcement"
"mortal force"
"mortally wounded"
"murder by law enforcement"
"murdered by the police"
"non threatening" OR "nonthreatening"
"officer misconduct"
"over policing" OR "overpolicing"
"police brutality"
"police execution"
"police killing*"
"police misconduct"
"police officer violence"
"police related violence"
"police shooting*"
"police violence"
"posed no threat"
"systemic police abuse"
"unnecessary force"
"use of force"
see also the Thesaurus in the
National Criminal Justice Reference
Service Abstracts (NCJRS)
"blue shields"
"brothers in blue"
"county trooper*"
"DARE officer*"
"foot patrol"
"gang unit officer"
"highway patrol"
"highway patrolman"
"highway patrolmen"
"highway patrolwoman"
"highway patrolwomen"
"highway trooper*"
"law enforcement"
"law man"
"law men"
"law woman"
"law women"
"mounted police"
"patrol officer*"
"peace officer*"
"police cadets"
"police force"
"police officer*"
"police patrols"
"police recruits"
"police services"
"police station"
"police training"
"police work"
"school safety agent"
"vice control officer"
"airgun*" OR "air gun"
"assault weapon*"
"automatic weapon*"
"bb gun"
"bean bag gun"
"bean bag shooter"
"billy club"
"brandished a weapon"
"discharge* the gun"
"discharge* a weapon"
"fire arm" OR "fire arms" OR "firearm*"
"firearm less" OR "firearmless"
"fired a gun"
"ghost gun" OR "ghost guns"
"gun less" OR "gunless"
"hands up"
"hands were up"
"machine gun"
"machine guns"
"no firearm"
"no gun"
"no handgun"
"no weapon"
"nonthreatening" OR "non threatening"
"pellet gun"
"plastic gun"
"posed no threat"
"pulled the trigger"
"rubber bullets"
"semiautomatic weapon*"
"semi automatic weapon*"
"sprayed with bullets"
"target shooting"
"toy gun"
"weapon less" OR "weaponless"
"without a firearm"
"without a gun"
"without a weapon"
"Alternative response team"
"Emergency response team"
"Frontline responder collaboration"
"Intergroup relations" OR "inter group relations"
"Interprofessional collaboration" OR "inter professional collaboration"
"Interprofessional relations" OR "inter professional relations"
"Joint crisis collaboration"
"Joint crisis team"
"Mobile Crisis Intervention Teams"
"Mobile crisis units"
"Mobile emergency mental health services"
"Social service collaboration"
"Social services collaboration"
"Social work collaboration"
"Social work crisis team"
"Social work service collaboration"
"Social worker collaboration"
"Social worker team"

Keyword Terms - Policy

"administrative policy"
"call your congress*"
"capitol actions"
"elected official*"
"email campaign*"
"executive order*"
"federal policy"
"issue brief*"
"letter writing campaign*"
"local policy"
"media campaign*"
"policy analyses"
"policy analysis"
"policy brief*"
"policy handbook*"
"policy maker*" OR "policymaker*"
"policy making" OR "policymaking"
"policy report*"
"policy research paper"
"policy research report"
"policy white paper"
"policy white report"
"position paper*"
"social media campaign*"
"state policy"
"think tank brief"
"think tank paper"
"think tank report"
"think tank white paper"
"white paper*"
"working paper*"

Keyword Terms - Poverty

"distressed neighborhood*"
"economic distress” OR "economically distressed"
"economic fragility" OR "economically fragile"
“economic hardship*”
"economic insecurity"
"economic instability"
“economic strain” OR “economically strained”
“economic stress”
“economic vulnerability” OR “economically vulnerable”
"economically depressed"
"female head of household*"
"female headed household*"
"financial distress" OR “financially distressed”
"financial fragility" OR “financially fragile”
"financial hardship*"
"financial insecurity"
"financial instability"
"financial strain" OR “financially strained”
"financial stress" OR "financially stressed"   
"financial vulnerability" OR “financially vulnerable”
"food desert*"
"Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations" OR FDPIR
"food insecurity"
"food pantries"
"food pantry"
"food security"
"food stamps"
"free lunch program*"
"high risk"
"low income*"
"low resourced"
"low social status"
"low socio-economic*" OR "low SES"
"low-socio-economic*" OR "low SES"
"low socioeconomic*" OR "low SES"
"low-socioeconomic*" OR "low SES"
"lower class*"
"national school lunch program" OR NSLP
"poverty line"
"public assistance"
"School Breakfast Program" OR SBP
"school lunch program*"
"section eight" OR "section 8"
"single mom" OR "single moms"
"single mother" OR "single mothers"
"single parent household*"
"social class"
"soup kitchen"
"Summer Food Service Program" OR SFSP
"Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program" OR "SNAP"
"title one" OR "title 1" OR "title I"
"unbank*" OR "un-banked"
"underbank*" OR "under bank*"
"underclass" OR "under class"
"under privilege*" OR "underprivilege*"
"underrepresented" OR "under represented"
"under resourced" OR "underresourced"
"underserved" OR "under served"
"unmarried mother*"
"unwed mother*"
"WIC" OR "women infants and children program"
"working poor"

Keyword Terms - Pregnancy

For a comprehensive list of terms, please consult the CINAHL Plus
database's thesaurus or the PubMed database's MeSH headings.

"birth abnormalities"
"birth defects"
"breastfeeding" OR "breast feeding"
"childbirth*" OR "child birth*"
"congenital abnormalities"
"false labor"
"fertilization in-vitro"
"fetal abnormalities"
"fetal alcohol spectrum disorder*" OR "FASD"
"first trimester"
"in-vitro fertilisation" OR "invitro fertilisation"
"in-vitro fertilization" OR "IVF"
"invitro fertilization" OR "IVF"
"kangaroo care"
"kangaroo mother care"
"la leche league"
"low birth weight"
"morning sickness"
"neonatal intensive care unit" OR "NICU"
"perinatal*" OR "peri-natal*"
"peripartum" OR "peri-partum"
"postnatal*" OR "post-natal*"
"post-partal" OR "postpartal"
"post-partum" OR "postpartum"
"post-partum depression" OR "postpartum depression"
"pregnancy complications"
"premature birth"
"prenatal*" OR "pre-natal*"
"prenatal care" OR "pre-natal care"
"prenatal vitamins" OR "pre-natal vitamins"
"preterm birth" OR "pre-term birth"
"reproductive health"
"second trimester"
"sudden infant death syndrome" OR "SIDS"
"test tube baby" OR "testtube baby"
"third trimester"

Keyword Terms - Reinforcement

"behavior* change*" OR "behaviour* change*"
"behavior* management" OR "behaviour* management"
"behavior modification" OR "behaviour modification"
"behavior* therap*" OR "behaviour* therap*"
"behavioral treatment" OR "behavioural treatment"
"buddy support"
"chang*" NEAR3 behavio*
"chang*" NEAR3 habit
"chang*" NEAR3 habits
"classical conditioning"
"contingency management"
"contingent payment*"
"deposit contract*"
"extrinsic reward*"
"extrinsic motivation"
"extrinsic reinforcement"
"extrinsic reward*"
"goal setting"
"habit change*"
"habit management"
"habit modification"
"honor" OR "honour"
"honors" OR "honours"
"intrinsic motivation"
"intrinsic reinforcement"
"intrinsic reward*"
"modif*" NEAR3 behavio*
"modif*" NEAR3 habit
"modif*" NEAR3 habits
"monetiz*" OR "monetis*"
"negative reinforcement"
"operant conditioning"
"peer support"
"positive reinforcement"
"progress chart"
"text messages"
"visual prompt*"

Keyword Terms - Rejuvenate

"redevelop*" OR "re-develop*"
"re-establish*" OR "reestablish*"
"regenerat*" OR "re-generat*"
"reinvest*" OR "re-invest*"
"reinvigorat*" OR "re-invigorat*"
"rejuvenat*" OR "re-juvenat*"
"repopulat*" OR "re-populat*"
"repurpose" OR "re-purpose*"
"turn around*"

Keyword Terms - Religion

"cult leader*"
"cult member*"
"faith healer*"
"inter-marriage*" OR "intermarriage*"
"lay leader*" OR "layleader*"
"lay person*" OR "layperson*"
"mega church*" OR "megachurch*"
"mixed marriage*"
"non-denomination*" OR "nondenomination*"
"nonsectarian*" OR "non-sectarian*"
"secular humanis*"

Keyword Terms - Research to Practice

"assessment of implementation"
"assessment of the implementation"
"d&i" OR "dissemination and implementation" OR "dissemination & implementation"
"diffusion of innovation*"
"disseminating research"
"dissemination of information"
"dissemination of research"
"dissemination science"
"evaluation of implementation"
"evaluation of the implementation"
"exchange knowledge"
"feasibility of implementation"
"feasibility of the implementation"
"implementation barriers"
"implementation facilitators"
"implementation factors"
"implementation feasibility"
"implementation framework*"
"implementation research"
"implementation science"
"information dissemination"
"innovation adoption"
"innovation diffusion"
"innovation implementation"
"knowledge exchange"
"knowledge management"
"knowledge transfer"
"knowledge translation"
"knowledge utilization"
"research dissemination"
"research implementation"
"research into practice"
"research to practice"
"research utilization"
"spread knowledge"
"spreading knowledge"
"transfer knowledge"
"translating empirical knowledge"
"translate research into practice"
"translating research into practice"
"translating science to practice"
"translation of research"
"translational medical research"
"translational research"
"translational science"
"scale up"
"scaled up"
"scales up"
"scaling up"
"upscale" OR "up scale"
"upscaling" OR "up scaling"
"broader scale"
"commercial scale"
"commercialization" OR "commercialisation"
"expand* capacity"
"expand* production"
"extending coverage"
"go to scale"
"goes to scale"
"going to scale"
"increas* capacity"
"increasing coverage"
"increas* production"
"increas* uptake"
"industrial scale"
"large* scale"
"large scale change"
"roll out" OR "rollout"
"rolled out"
"rolling out"
"scale out"
"technology transfer"
"went to scale"
"wider scale"

Keyword Terms - Risk Factors

"apprais* risk" OR "appraisal of risk" OR "assess* risk" OR "assessment of risk" OR "causati*" OR "causes" OR "contributi* factor" OR "contributi* factors" OR "contributor" OR "contributors" OR "determinant" OR "determinants" OR "etiolog*" OR "evaluat* risk" OR "evaluation of risk" OR "facilitator" OR "facilitators" OR "mechanisms" OR "mediator" OR "mediators" OR "moderator" OR "moderators" OR "predictive factor" OR "predictive factors" OR "predictive value" OR "predictive values" OR "predictor" OR "predictors" OR "preventive factor" OR "preventive factors" OR "protective factor" OR "protective factors" OR "reasons" OR "risk appraisal" OR "risk assessment" OR "risk behavio*" OR "risk evaluation" OR "risk factor" OR "risk factors" OR "risk group" OR "risk groups" OR "risk identifiers" OR "risk marker" OR "risk markers" OR "risk profiles" OR "risk taking" OR "susceptibilit*" OR "vulnerabilit*"

Keyword Terms - Self-Esteem

"low self esteem"
"self appraisal*"
"self assessment*"
"self assured"
"self attributes"
"self competen*"
"self concept*"
"self confiden*"
"self doubt*"
"self efficacy"
"self esteem*"
"self evaluation"
"self image*"
"self love"
"self perception*"
"self reflection*"
"self regard"
"self worth*"

Keyword Terms - Significant Others

"apartment mate" OR "apartment mates"
"best friend*"
"civil union*"
"commitment ceremon*"
"consenting adult*"
"co-reside*" OR "coreside*"
"domestic partner*"
"domestic partnership*"
"female headed household"
"female led household"
"gay marriage*"
"house mate" OR "house mates"
"her intended"
"his intended"
"inter marriage*"
"intimate partner*"
"kept woman"
"life partner*"
"lifetime partner*"
"live in"
"live together"
"marriage" see also the Marriage box
"mixed marriage*"
"promised to each other"
"room mate" OR "room mates"
"same sex"
"same sex couple*"
"same sex families"
"same sex family"
"same sex father*"
"same sex household*"
"same sex marriage*"
"same sex mother*"
"same sex parent*"
"same sex partner*"
"same sex union*"
"significant other*"
"unmarried partnership*"

Keyword Terms - Social Determinants of Health

"social determinants of health" OR "SDH" OR "SDOH" OR "socioeconomic disparities in health" OR "health social determinants" OR "structural determinants of health" OR "health structural determinants"

"education* access*" OR "high school graduation" OR "educational attainment" OR "low education" OR "education* quality" OR "early childhood education" OR "enrollment in higher education" OR "higher education enrollment" OR "education* opportunities"

"economic stability" OR poverty OR "low income" OR "economic status" OR "economic determinants" OR "economic factors" OR "job opportunities" OR "socioeconomic status" OR "socioeconomic determinants" OR "socioeconomic factors" OR "socioeconomic level" OR employment OR unemployment OR "income security" OR "income stability" OR "income insecurit*" OR "income instability" OR "standard of living" OR "living standard" OR "economic inequalit*"

"social and community context" OR racism OR discrimination OR violence OR crime OR bullying OR "social cohesion" OR "social relationships" OR "social interactions" OR "civic participation" OR incarcerat* OR "neighborhood environment" OR "built environment" OR "physical infrastructure" OR walkability OR "neighborhood effect*" OR "neighborhood safety" OR "social factors" OR "social determinants" OR "social status" OR "social class" OR "social inequalit*" OR "social conditions" OR "living conditions" OR "social environment" OR "social isolation" OR "social deprivation" OR "community networks" OR "social networks" OR "social support" OR "privileged ethnicity"

"safe housing" OR "housing instability" OR "housing insecurity" OR "housing stability" OR "housing security" OR "housing quality" OR "quality of housing" OR "housing inequalit*" OR "housing conditions" OR "affordable housing"

"health care access*" OR "healthcare access*" OR "health care quality" OR "healthcare quality" OR "health coverage" OR "healthcare coverage" OR "health insurance coverage" OR "access* to health services" OR "access* to primary care" OR "health literacy" OR "access* to health care" OR "access* to healthcare" OR "health inequalit*" OR "healthcare inequalit*"

"food insecurity" OR "food security" OR "access* to food" OR "access* to healthy food" OR "food supply"  

"access* to physical activit*" OR "parks" OR "green spaces" OR greenspace* OR "open spaces" OR "physical inactivity" OR "access* to recreation*" OR "recreational facilities"

"environmental health" OR "sanitation facilities" OR "sanitation services" OR  "environmental conditions" OR "air pollution" OR "water pollution" OR "environmental exposure*" OR "environmental pollutants" OR "environmental pollution" OR "water quality" OR "air quality" OR "noise pollution" OR "light pollution" OR "soil pollution" OR "waste management" OR "water supply" OR plumbing OR "sanitary drainage" OR "toilet facilities" OR "refuse disposal" OR "waste disposal" OR "water purification" OR "garbage removal" OR "garbage disposal" OR "landfills" OR "waste dumping sites" OR "waste dump sites" OR "hazardous waste sites" OR "toxic dump sites" OR "toxic waste dumps" OR "wastewater treatment" OR "unsafe water" OR "unsafe drinking water" OR "unsafe air" OR "clean water" OR "clean air"  

"language literacy" OR "language and literacy skills" OR "language skills"  

"transportation access*" OR "access* transportation" OR "access to transportation" OR "transportation facilities" OR "transportation equity" OR "transportation barriers" OR  "transportation infrastructure" OR "transportation safety" OR "traffic congestion"

"women's autonomy" OR "women's empowerment"

Keyword Terms - Social Engagement

SEE ALSO the Community Development box
"citizen engagement"
"citizen involvement"
"citizen participation"
"civic association*"
"civic coalition*"
"civic engagement"
"civic event*"
"civic group*"
"civic involvement"
"civic participation"
"coalition building"
"collective impact"
"community action"
"community association*"
"community based"
"community coalition*"
"community engagement"
"community event*"
"community group*"
"community involvement"
"community organizing"
"community participation"
"community social development"
"human capital"
"local association*"
"local coalition*"
"local engagement"
"local event*"
"local group*"
"local involvement"
"local organizing"
"local participation"
"mobilisation" OR "mobilization"
"neighborhood association*"
"neighborhood coalition*"
"neighborhood engagement"
"neighborhood event*"
"neighborhood group*"
"neighborhood involvement"
"neighborhood organizing"
"neighborhood participation"
"neighbourhood association*"
"neighbourhood coalition*"
"neighbourhood engagement"
"neighbourhood event*"
"neighbourhood group*"
"neighbourhood involvement"
"neighbourhood organizing"
"neighbourhood participation"
"public engagement"
"public involvement"
"public participation"
"public service"
"social capital"
"social engagement"
"social involvement"
"social participation"
"social responsibility"
"socially engaged"
"voluntary action"

Keyword Terms - Social Network

"Collective Efficacy"   
"community embedded*"
"community integration"
"community interaction*"  
"community network*"   
"community relationship*"   
"community support"  
"family interactions"
"family network*"
"family relations*"   
"Family Support*"   
"interpersonal interaction*"   
"Interpersonal Relations*"   
"psychosocial support system*"   
"sense of belonging"   
"Social Acceptance"   
"social bonds"   
"social capital"
"Social Cohesion"   
"social connectedness" 
"social connection*"
"social disconnection"   
"Social Environment"   
"social inclusion"   
"social integration"   
"Social Interaction*"   
"social isolation"   
"social network*"   
"social relationship*"   
"social restriction*"   
"Social Support*" 
"social ties"
"Social Withdrawal"   
"socially connected"   
"socially disconnected"   
"socially isolated"

Keyword Terms - Social Work

"adult protective services"
"case management"
"case manager*"
"case supervisor*"
"case work*" OR "casework*"
"child protection services"
"child protective services"
"child welfare"
"child welfare services"
"child welfare worker*"
"clinical supervisor*"
"cross cultural communication*" OR "crosscultural communication*"
"cultural competency"
"cultural literacy"
"cultural sensitivity"
"family counseling"
"family counselling"
"family therapist*"
"family therapy"
foster care see the Abuse box
"group counseling"
"group facilitator*"
"group meeting*"
"group psychotherap*"
"group therapy"
"group work" OR "groupwork"
"human service*"
intake See the Intake box
"inter cultural communication*" OR "intercultural communication*"
"marriage counseling"
"marriage counselling"
"marriage therapy"
"marital counseling"
"marital counselling"
"marital therapy"
"multi ethnic communication*" OR "multiethnic communication*"
"nonprofit human service organizations" OR "NPHSOs" OR "non profit human service organizations"
"nonprofit human service organizations" OR "non profit human service organizations"
"public aid"
"public assistance"
"public welfare services"
"public welfare work*"
 "refer" OR "refers" OR "referring" OR "referral" OR "referrals" OR "referred"
"service organization"
"service practitioner*"
"service provider*"
"shelter services"
"shelter work"
"social agencies"
"social agency"
"social group work"
"social service*"
"social service employee*"
"social service personnel"
"social service staff"
"social service worker*"
"social welfare"
"social work"
"social worker*"
"supplemental nutrition assistance program*" OR "SNAP"
"welfare services"
"welfare work"
"welfare worker*"
"women infants and children" OR "WIC"
"wraparound service*" OR "wrap around service*"

Keyword Terms - Sub-Saharan Africa

Countries and larger cities in Sub-Saharan Africa:
"Abidjan" OR "Abomey-Calavi" OR "Accra" OR "Addis Ababa" OR "Africa South of the Sahara" OR "Africa, Central" OR "Africa, Eastern" OR "Africa, Southern" OR "Africa, Western" OR "Ali Sabieh" OR "Angola" OR "Anse Etoile" OR "Antananarivo" OR "Asmara" OR "Bamako" OR "Bangui" OR "Bata" OR "Beira" OR "Benin" OR "Bimbo" OR "Bissau" OR "Blantyre" OR "Bo" OR "Bobo-Dioulasso" OR "Botswana" OR "Bouake" OR "Bouaké" OR "Brazzaville" OR "Brikama" OR "Bujumbura" OR "Bulawayo" OR "Burkina Faso" OR "Burundi" OR "Cabo Verde" OR "Cameroon" OR "Cape Town" OR "Cape Verde" OR "Central Africa" OR "Central African Republic" OR "Chad" OR "Comoros" OR "Conakry" OR "Congo" OR "Congo Democratic Republic" OR "Cote d'Ivoire" OR "Cotonou" OR "Dakar" OR "Dakhla" OR "Dar es Salaam" OR "Democratic Republic of the Congo" OR "Dire Dawa" OR "Djibouti" OR "Douala" OR "Durban" OR "Eastern Africa" OR "Equatorial Guinea" OR "Eritrea" OR "Eswatini" OR "Ethiopia" OR "Francistown" OR "Freetown" OR "Gabon" OR "Gaborone" OR "Gabu" OR "Gabú" OR "Gambia" OR "Gbarnga" OR "Ghana" OR "Guinea" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "Gulu" OR "Half Tree Hollow" OR "Harare" OR "Hargeisa" OR "Huambo" OR "Ivory Coast" OR "Jamestown" OR "Johannesburg" OR "Juba" OR "Kampala" OR "Kano" OR "Kenya" OR "Keren" OR "Khartoum" OR "Kigali" OR "Kinshasa" OR "Kitwe" OR "Kumasi" OR "Laayoune" OR "Lagos" OR "Lesotho" OR "Liberia" OR "Libreville" OR "Lilongwe" OR "Lome" OR "Lomé" OR "Luanda" OR "Lubumbashi" OR "Lusaka" OR "Madagascar" OR "Malabo" OR "Malawi" OR "Mali" OR "Manzini" OR "Maputo" OR "Maseru" OR "Mauritania" OR "Mbabane" OR "Mindelo" OR "Mogadishu" OR "Mombasa" OR "Monrovia" OR "Moroni" OR "Moundou" OR "Mozambique" OR "Muhanga" OR "Mutsamudu" OR "Muyinga" OR "Mwanza" OR "Nairobi" OR "Namibia" OR "N'Djamena" OR "Niamey" OR "Niger" OR "Nigeria" OR "Nouadhibou" OR "Nouakchott" OR "Nzerekore" OR "Nzérékoré" OR "Omdurman" OR "Ouagadougou" OR "Pointe-Noire" OR "Port-Gentil" OR "Praia" OR "Rundu" OR "Rwanda" OR "Sahel" OR "Saint Helena" OR "Sao Tome" OR "São Tomé" OR "Sao Tome and Principe" OR "Senegal" OR "Serekunda" OR "Seychelles" OR "Sierra Leone" OR "Sikasso" OR "Sokode" OR "Sokodé" OR "Somalia" OR "South Africa" OR "South Sudan" OR "Southern Africa" OR "Subsahara Africa" OR "Sub-Sahara Africa" OR "Subsaharan Africa" OR "Sub-Saharan Africa" OR "Sudan" OR "Swaziland" OR "Tanzania" OR "Teyateyaneng" OR "Toamasina" OR "Togo" OR "Touba" OR "Trindade" OR "Uganda" OR "Victoria" OR "Western Africa" OR "Western Sahara" OR "Windhoek" OR "Yaounde" OR "Yaoundé" OR "Yei" OR "Zambia" OR "Zimbabwe" OR "Zinder"

Keyword Terms - Terminate

"bought out"
"buy out" OR "buyout"
"cast off"
death see the Death box
"get rid of"
"laid off"
"lay off" OR "lay offs" OR "layoff*"
"sell off" OR "sell offs" OR "selloff*"
"take over" OR "takeover"
"taken over"
"throw away"
"throw out"
"wipe out" OR "wipes out" OR "wiped out" OR "wiping out"

Keyword Terms - Theory


Keyword Terms - Therapy

For a comprehensive list of terms, please consult the CINAHL Plus database's thesaurus,
the PubMed database's MeSH headings, or the PsycInfo database's thesaurus.

"alternative medicine"
"alternative therap*"
"behavior modification"
"behavio* therapy"
"bibliotherapy" OR "biblio therapy"
"biofeedback" OR "bio feedback"
"brief therapy"
"cognitive behavior* therap*" OR "cognitive behaviour* therap*" OR "CBT"
"counseling model*"
"counseling technique*"
"diet therap*"
"drug therap*"
"drug treatment*"
"evidence based treatment" OR "EBT"
"exercise therap*"
"group counseling"
"group counselling"
"group meeting*"
"group psychotherap*"
"group therap*"
"group work" OR "groupwork"
"individual therapy"
"massage therap*"
"mutual aid group" OR "mutual aid groups"
"mutual self help"
"nonadherence" OR "non adherence"
"noncompliance" OR "non compliance"
"noncompliant" OR "non compliant"
"occupational therap*"
"palliative care"
"peer support*"
"pharmaceutical therap*"
"pharmaceutical treatment*"
"pharmacotherap*" OR "pharmaco therapy"
"physical therap*"
"psychoeducation*" OR "psycho education*"
"psychotherapeutic*" OR "psycho therapeutic*"
"psychotherapies" OR "psycho therapies"
"psychotherapist*" OR "psycho therapist*"
"psychotherapy" OR "psycho therapy"
"respiratory therap*"
"self help group*"
"support group*"
"telecounseling" OR "tele counseling" OR "tele counselling" OR "ecounseling" OR "e counseling" OR "e counselling" OR "electronic counseling" OR "electric counselling" OR "virtual counseling" OR "virtual counselling" OR "online counseling" OR "online counselling" OR "digital counseling" OR "digital counselling" OR "remote counseling" OR "remote counselling" OR "distance counseling" OR "distance counselling" OR "internet counseling" OR "internet counselling" OR "web based counseling" OR "web based counselling" OR "net based counseling" OR "net based counselling" OR "videocounseling" OR "videocounselling" OR "video counseling" OR "video counselling" OR "cybercounseling" OR "cybercounselling" OR "cyber counseling" OR "cyber counselling" OR "asynchronous counseling" OR "asynchronous counselling" OR "synchronous counseling" OR "synchronous counselling"

Keyword Terms - Time

"around the clock"
"daylight saving time"
"follow up" OR "followup"
"half life"
"leap year*"
"length of session"
"military time"
"on going" OR "ongoing"
"standard time"
"sun dial*" OR "sundial*"
"time and motion studies" OR "time and motion study"
"time & motion study" OR "time & motion studies"
"time factor*"
"time frame" OR "timeframe"
"time lag" OR "timelag"
"turnaround time" OR "turn around time"
"twenty four hours"
"twenty four seven" OR "twenty four/seven"
"wait time"

Keyword Terms - Transportation

"airplane*" OR "aeroplane*"
"auto" OR "autos"
"bike path*"
"bike trail*"
"bikeway*" OR "bike way" OR "bike ways"
"buggy" OR "buggies"
"bus" OR "buses"
"cab" OR "cabs"
"call a ride"
"car" OR "cars"
"car rental"
"car ride*"
"cart" OR "carts"
"commuter line*"
"commuter railroad*"
"commuter rails"
"commuter railway*"
"commuter train*"
"cross country skiing"
"electric auto" OR "electric autos"
"electric automobile*"
"electric car" OR "electric cars"
"electric vehicle*" OR "ev" OR "evs"
"elevated train*" OR "el"
"elevator*" OR "lift" OR "lifts"
"foot path*" OR "footpath*"
"greenway*" OR "green way" OR "green ways"
"hover board" OR "hover boards"
"hovercraft*" OR "hover craft"
"hybrid auto" OR "hybrid autos"
"hybrid automobile*"
"hybrid car" OR "hybrid cars"
"hybrid vehicle*"
"inline skat*"
"jog" OR "jogs" OR "jogging" OR "jogged"
"mass transit"
"metro bus" OR "metrobus*"
"minivan*" OR "mini van" OR "mini vans"
"mobile home*"
"motor boat*" OR "motorboat*"
"motor home*" OR "motorhome*"
"motor scooter*"
"motor vehicle*"
"paddle boat*" OR "paddleboat*"
"path" OR "paths"
"public transit"
"public transport"
"public transportation"
"rail service*"
"rapid transit"
"recreational vehicle*" OR "RV" OR "R.V."
"rideshar*" OR "ride share*" OR "ride sharing"
"roller blade*" OR "roller blading" OR "rollerblad*"
"roller skat*" OR "rollerskat*"
"run" OR "runs" OR "running" OR "ran"
"sailboat*" OR "sail boat" OR "sail boats"
"semi trailer*" OR "semitrailer*"
"semi truck" OR "semitruck*"
"ship" OR "ships"
"skate" OR "skates" OR "skated" OR "skating"
"skateboard*" OR "skate board*"
"sled" OR "sleds" OR "sledding"
"snowboarding" OR "snow boarding"
"snow mobile*" OR "snowmobile*"
"snowshoe*" OR "snow shoe" OR "snow shoes" OR "snow shoeing"
"spacecraft*" OR "space craft*"
"steamboat*" OR "steam boat*"
"taxi" OR "taxis"
"trail way" OR "trail ways" OR "trailway*"
"train" OR "trains"
"tram" OR "trams"
"unicycle*" OR "uni cycle*"
"urban transit"
"urban transportation"
"van" OR "vans"
"wagon" OR "wagons"
"walk" OR "walks" OR "walked" OR "walking"
"walkway*" OR "walk way" OR "walk ways"
"waterway*" OR "water way" OR "water ways"

Keyword Terms - Unmet Needs

"demand" OR "demanded" OR "demanding" OR "demands"
"fail" OR "failed" OR "failing" OR "fails" OR "failure*"
"fall short" OR "falling short" OR "falls short"
"fell short"
"insufficiencies" OR "insufficiency"
"lack" OR "lacked" OR "lacking" OR "lacks"
"need" OR "needed" OR "needing" OR "needs"
"needs and demands"
"overburdened" OR "over burdened"
"overcapacity" OR "over capacity"
"overdemand*" OR "over demand*"
"overtaxed" OR "over taxed"
"overutilised" OR "over utilised"
"overutilized" OR "over utilized"
"service* demands"
"service gap" OR "service gaps"
"service needs"
"services needs"
"shortcoming*" OR "short coming" OR "short comings"
"turn away" OR "turn aways" OR "turns away" OR "turned away" OR "turnaway*"
"undercapacity" OR "under capacity"
"underperform*" OR "under perform" OR "under performed" OR "under performing" OR "under performs"
"underresourced" OR "under resourced"
"underserved" OR "under served"
"underserves" OR "under serves"
"underserving" OR "under serving"
"undersized" OR "under sized"
"understaff*" OR "under staff" OR "under staffed" OR "under staffs"
"underutilis*" OR "under utilisation" OR "under utilise" OR "under utilising" OR "under utilised"
"underutiliz*" OR "under utilization" OR "under utilize*" OR "under utilizing" OR "under utilized"
"unmet need*"
"wait list*" OR "waitlist*"
"wait time" OR "waiting time" OR "waittime"
"waited too long"